[A] Get Drunk With the <SSB, LLC>!

85 Human Paladin
I enjoy this guild's continued existence.
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9 Dwarf Shaman
I'd like ta join yer guild iffen ya need a good dwarfen lass at yer brewery!
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I'd never turn down a lass tha'd want ter work in a Brewery! It'd nay be right!

((Contact me or Tsukimi in game.
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85 Draenei Death Knight
<Shove> Bump for a great group of people ;)
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85 Troll Shaman
If I ever make an ally alt on this server...
And if you have beer...
count me in.

Fel, maybe I can visit your guild in some neutral sanctuary and I'll bring my bottomless keg of beer.

You know, two years ago, everyone used to call me the drunken troll...

People are quick to forget things... I guess disappearing for two years can do that.
(officially, I was living among the Worgen of Shadow Fang Keep, making full use of my wolf form.)
Edited by Joyuese on 1/16/2011 6:29 PM PST
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Saunters into the brewery and grabs a seat, slamming down her mug of dwarven ale hard on the table, the brew spilling over the sides. She nods and tips her mug in the direction of others she knows.

"Oy, iffen this dun hit tha spot, lads n' lasses, nuthin' will! Nuthin' soothes me bones lika nice strong dwarven ale!"

She seems to think about her statement for a moment, her brows knit with thought.

"Well, maybe a nice dwarven ballad 'er tale about dwarven treasure hunts in tha desert, epic fightin' wif nuthin' on yer side but tha' elements, yer fists an' a wee bit o' luck, or, my fav'rite, ore, rams, 'n grog. But maybe tha's jus' gettin' fancy!"
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81 Gnome Priest
At Rosaleen's words, she hops down from her bar stool in the corner, and climbs into the one next to Rosa's, a grin tugging at her lips.

"Hi there, Rosa! I haven't got any stories about treasure hunts, fighting or rams, but I have one about ore!"

Aubrie pulls out and unfolds what looks like a large, hand drawn schematic of some sort and buries her face in it as she speaks.

"Why, just this morning I was studying and finalizing this schematic on creating a robotic trogg that will teach all the other troggs to be civilized! Why, by my calcuations, we have a 85.92% chance of failure, but if it works, we might have troggs drinking tea a little pink cakes by Wednesday of next week! Fancinating, isn't it?"

She peels her eyes away from the schematic momentarily, only to do a double take at Rosa's blank expression.

"Well, if it fails, there's bound to be an explosion! And I know how much you love those!"
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"So, wha'cher sayin', lass, is tha we gotta 85% chance o' an explosion."

Rosa nods appreciatively at those high odds as she takes a swig of brew.

"Sounds like brewery work ta me! Blowin' up troggs! I ain't so sure 'bout tha' firs' part... why'd we wan' 'em ta drink tea 'n be ninnys fer? Best ta jus' be rid o' tha whole lotta 'em, iffen ya ask me, lass!"
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((Bump for the SSB!!))
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/conjure Dalaran Wine))
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