(H) <Legacy of the Dire Panda>

85 Pandaren Priest
Copy and paste (with a slight update) of the old recruitment thread from our beloved and now read only forums.

Yes, indeed, it is that time again. Been a while since I've had to dredge up the old recruitment thread. Anyway, on with the presentation! Don't disappoint me...

<Legacy of the Dire Panda> is looking for some new faces. As we all know, the end is in fact neigh and we're doing our best to get ready for it. Why are we recruiting so close to the expansion? Simple, we want to hit the content in Cataclysm as quickly and effectively as we can and we've noticed we have a few holes to fill. But first...

Who is <Legacy of the Dire Panda>? Simply put, we are a 10 Man Strict Raiding guild focused on both Progression as well as Hard Mode based content. As it stands we were the forth guild on this server to down Arthas and the first 10 Man Strict Guild to do so. With the changes in the expansion we will no longer be able to consider ourselves a 10 Man Strict Guild but we will, really for all intents and purposes, remain just that. Our focus throughout Wrath has been 10 Man raiding and in this brave new world it will stay the same.

Now then, the reason we're recruiting now is so we can get to know those we pick up. The best part about being in this guild, for me, has always been knowing our raid members on a personal level and being able to consider them friends. As such, we'd like a bit of time to raid with any new recruits to get a feel for how well we'll get along and that they have a firm grasp of raiding.

To paraphrase, we just want to get to know you and see how you do.

On to our needs:

Healing: Specifically a Holy Paladin.

Melee DPS: We request that you have or be willing to get a tanking off-spec.

There may be other spots available but at this point in time we're only comfortable announcing these three. If your gear isn't up to par but you know your class please hit us up. Gear is superficial and easily upgraded, especially on the eve of the expansion. Skill will always out weight that.

We currently raid on Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 8:00 P.M. Server Time to 11:00 P.M. Server Time. Schedule may be subject to change. We will be cycling people in and out in the event that we have more then we need putting a focus on new members.

If you're interested please contact us either through this post or in game. You can speak with any one of our officers and we'll gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have. Feel free to hit up either myself, Grazingsun, Lectril, or Tristrame in game. If none of us are on, check with someone who is, there is a possibility that we may be on an alt or in vent. Thanks for your time and we hope to hear from you soon.
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85 Undead Warrior
Come raid with the Pandas! Come hear my evil laugh, or hear me complain about Garrosh!
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85 Undead Warrior
A bump for the Pandas!
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85 Tauren Druid
/happypanda ?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Are you guys still looking for a holy pally? I used to tank and have recently swithced over to healing since I used to enjoy it on my Druid, and have found it even more enjoyable as a Paladin.

With Cataclysm coming out soon, this will be the very first time for me to be able to participate with everyone else in content advancement. I joined WoW really late, and it has always seemed to me that I've been merely playing catch up. Once I caught up to level 80 though, and gearing up through heroics, groups had already formed for raid progression, and I wasn't deemed desirable since I didn't have raid experience, or raid gear.

So if you guys'll have me, I'll give you my all.
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85 Tauren Druid
Adalicia! You're a Gobbo! D:

1. Hai Guys! how is everyone doing?
2. Does anyone else think that Adalicia has a moustache now in her new Gobby form?
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85 Pandaren Priest
I refuse to dignify question number two with a response...
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85 Tauren Druid
Maybe its a bone... a very discolored ... bushy bone...

Did you go all Tribal on us Adalicia?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

Psssst, Ada.

Ask 'tepa about his tree form, its his weak spot.

Back on subject, good luck with recruiting =]
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85 Pandaren Priest
Indeed, I'm surprised he doesn't have the Glyph of Treant shoved into that Restoration build.
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85 Tauren Druid
I like the new Tree form actually... it reflect my 'ANGRY TREE' side much more appropriately... Lavielle even make me a picture of me scolding people!


I just wish I could STAY in Tree form is all..
Edited by Atepa on 12/23/2010 11:12 AM PST
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85 Pandaren Priest
I approve.
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85 Tauren Druid
They need to let Taurens have red ... pelts? o.O
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85 Blood Elf Priest
<3 Pandas!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Edited by Tirendis on 1/5/2011 8:46 PM PST
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85 Tauren Druid
Ooooo Intrigue!
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85 Undead Warrior
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85 Tauren Druid
I dunno... I got nothing.

PS - Hai Soirreb!
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85 Undead Warrior
'Sup, Atepa?
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
A holy paly huh ?!
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