Vectus stood on the rooftop of the bank, looking down over the streets as the citizens of Orgrimmar went about their business.
"Are you ready?" A voice came from the other Torallites standing behind him.
"Of course," he replied. "Waiting only for the bells to toll."
A moment passed as he cleared his throat. A small crowd had already begun to gather, questioning among themselves the motives of those gathered on the rooftops.
As seventh bell chimed, he began:
Gather 'round, citizens of Orgrimmar! Gather 'round, sons and daughters of the Horde! Lend me your ears! I bring to you a message of hope and promise in the face of misery and despair! Friends! Brothers! Sisters! Hear my message and heed my words: our adversaries are many; our troubles are great; our situation is dire!
We are beset on many fronts. At this very moment, the Alliance plots our demise and makes preparations to wage war against us. Cultists mass on our doorstep and conspire to destroy us. The elements of this world writhe in anger and rise up against us. The earth trembles and quakes as if Azeroth itself protests our very existence!
And what would these madmen cultists have us believe about it all? That the world is doomed? That we are all to die? Verily, they say the elements will be our Saviors! They say Cho'gall will lead us to Deliverance!
To the nether with Cho'gall! To the nether with their damned nonsense! The Twilight Cultists are the servants of the Old Gods themselves, whose thralls are the very elements these lunatics champion! The world as we know it may be coming to an end, but only a fool would believe such trite.
Where will I be when the Elements rise to reclaim this world? I don't know about any of you, but I plan to banish the fel creatures back to the abyssal depths from whence they came! Brothers and sisters, today I offer you the opportunity to join me in this endeavor!
Today, I speak on behalf of the Modas il Toralar. My message is one of ambition!
Join us! We offer you honor and glory, blood and thunder! The enemies of the Horde are the enemies of the Modas, and we will not wait for them to bring the fight to us. We offer you the chance to do glorious battle with those who would oppress us. Those who would undermine us. Those who would take our lands from us and deny us the right to what is rightfully ours!
Join us! We offer you knowledge and power, wisdom and understanding! Our secrets are many; our libraries vast. Many of our order have sought to know the subtleties of the arcane, of the mystic, of the esoteric--of nature itself. The same have found astonishing things which perplex and baffle the mind. We would gladly share our stores of knowledge with all who would but seek us out!
Join us! We offer you wealth and pleasure, luxury and delight! Our influence is great, and our resources plentiful. There is no desire we cannot sate; no hunger we cannot quell; no thirst we cannot quench. There is no material thing outside of our reach. We offer you not only the opportunity to indulge in your vices, but share in them with us!
Join us! We aim to give all citizens of the Horde freedom and respite from a world gone mad. We offer you guidance and solace in the face of uncertainty and doubt. We offer to you an alternative to the various impotent faiths and baseless superstitions of the world. Cast aside the shackles which bind your mind, and harken unto our doctrine! Let us lead you down the path towards enlightenment!
Brothers and sisters, hear me! Join us, and together we will seize this world by the throat and demand from it the respect we deserve! The world is coming to and end? Well then, let it! Let it, I say! Let the world be cleaved asunder! Let all of Azeroth burn! Together, we will rise from the darkened ashes, and we will remake it as we see fit! Order through Atrocity! Peace through Fear! This is our creed. We know what we want from this world, and we will stop at nothing to get it.
If there are any among you who would hear our call, let yourself be known to me. We ask nothing of you, save that you be true to yourself. We will open our doors to all who would but knock.
I thank you for your time and your patience, brethren. Dark tidings to you all.
"Are you ready?" A voice came from the other Torallites standing behind him.
"Of course," he replied. "Waiting only for the bells to toll."
A moment passed as he cleared his throat. A small crowd had already begun to gather, questioning among themselves the motives of those gathered on the rooftops.
As seventh bell chimed, he began:
Gather 'round, citizens of Orgrimmar! Gather 'round, sons and daughters of the Horde! Lend me your ears! I bring to you a message of hope and promise in the face of misery and despair! Friends! Brothers! Sisters! Hear my message and heed my words: our adversaries are many; our troubles are great; our situation is dire!
We are beset on many fronts. At this very moment, the Alliance plots our demise and makes preparations to wage war against us. Cultists mass on our doorstep and conspire to destroy us. The elements of this world writhe in anger and rise up against us. The earth trembles and quakes as if Azeroth itself protests our very existence!
And what would these madmen cultists have us believe about it all? That the world is doomed? That we are all to die? Verily, they say the elements will be our Saviors! They say Cho'gall will lead us to Deliverance!
To the nether with Cho'gall! To the nether with their damned nonsense! The Twilight Cultists are the servants of the Old Gods themselves, whose thralls are the very elements these lunatics champion! The world as we know it may be coming to an end, but only a fool would believe such trite.
Where will I be when the Elements rise to reclaim this world? I don't know about any of you, but I plan to banish the fel creatures back to the abyssal depths from whence they came! Brothers and sisters, today I offer you the opportunity to join me in this endeavor!
Today, I speak on behalf of the Modas il Toralar. My message is one of ambition!
Join us! We offer you honor and glory, blood and thunder! The enemies of the Horde are the enemies of the Modas, and we will not wait for them to bring the fight to us. We offer you the chance to do glorious battle with those who would oppress us. Those who would undermine us. Those who would take our lands from us and deny us the right to what is rightfully ours!
Join us! We offer you knowledge and power, wisdom and understanding! Our secrets are many; our libraries vast. Many of our order have sought to know the subtleties of the arcane, of the mystic, of the esoteric--of nature itself. The same have found astonishing things which perplex and baffle the mind. We would gladly share our stores of knowledge with all who would but seek us out!
Join us! We offer you wealth and pleasure, luxury and delight! Our influence is great, and our resources plentiful. There is no desire we cannot sate; no hunger we cannot quell; no thirst we cannot quench. There is no material thing outside of our reach. We offer you not only the opportunity to indulge in your vices, but share in them with us!
Join us! We aim to give all citizens of the Horde freedom and respite from a world gone mad. We offer you guidance and solace in the face of uncertainty and doubt. We offer to you an alternative to the various impotent faiths and baseless superstitions of the world. Cast aside the shackles which bind your mind, and harken unto our doctrine! Let us lead you down the path towards enlightenment!
Brothers and sisters, hear me! Join us, and together we will seize this world by the throat and demand from it the respect we deserve! The world is coming to and end? Well then, let it! Let it, I say! Let the world be cleaved asunder! Let all of Azeroth burn! Together, we will rise from the darkened ashes, and we will remake it as we see fit! Order through Atrocity! Peace through Fear! This is our creed. We know what we want from this world, and we will stop at nothing to get it.
If there are any among you who would hear our call, let yourself be known to me. We ask nothing of you, save that you be true to yourself. We will open our doors to all who would but knock.
I thank you for your time and your patience, brethren. Dark tidings to you all.
Edited by Vectus on 11/19/2010 6:42 PM PST