[A, RP] <Clockwerk>

85 Gnome Mage
Updated recruitment ad: 02.15.11



Clockwerk is a casual out-of-character roleplaying guild, meaning there is no Clockwerk organization in-game, nor any overall plot that neatly ties our members together. We have a laidback approach to roleplay despite the fact that many of us consider ourselves heavy roleplayers – our guild chat is out of character, we’re not afraid of new or inexperienced players, and many of us enjoy raiding and PvP.

As roleplayers, we thrive off normal, unscripted roleplay (what we call “organic”), the kind that doesn’t require a sign up sheet or that one play class clown or drama queen in order to appreciate. Our characters run the gamut from righteous to vile, and while some play characters that aren’t very nice, the players themselves are pretty awesome. As a guild, we have a chat that is safe for minors to enjoy, a place where parents can commiserate with each other, and a family that helps and supports one another.

Clockwerk is always on the lookout for quality players that would be interested in joining our family.

Interested applicants should be:

  • Mature players who understand and can act upon the difference between in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) actions, with no desire to bring or create petty drama;

  • Literate players who can communicate without "leet speak";

  • Family-friendly players that can keep excessive profanity and vulgarity out of guild chat;

  • Players that understand you can be the above three things and still have crazy fun;

  • Self motivated players;

  • and players that think side hugs are for wusses. Love of animals, eclectic music, and penguin onigiri are a plus.


  • Expects its members to be respectful of other guild members, other players regardless of faction, and of themselves;

  • Abides by the naming conventions as specified in the Blizzard Naming Policy


    and the Blizzard Roleplaying Policy


Please do not hesitate to introduce yourself if you run into one of our characters in the game world. You are also cordially invited to attend our weekly fishing excursions on Wednesday evenings and our Open Roleplay Nights (schedule varies, check our Event listing to keep track: http://clockwerk.guildomatic.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=575 ).

For a complete explanation of our policies and how to apply, please visit our site at:

Please contact Nozz or Daphne with any questions. We offer a six tab guild bank, Vent, and a spiffy looking tabard, for what it's worth.

Happy gaming!
Edited by Nozz on 2/15/2011 8:49 AM PST
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81 Dwarf Paladin
Is there room for beginner roleplayers?
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85 Night Elf Druid
We love beginner roleplayers! It's almost lunchtime!

...err I mean. >.>...<.<... -gives Nozz a Christian side-hug and flees!-

For reals though, I'd never really participated in much in-game roleplay outside my group of friends before I joined Clockwerk - but everyone in the guild is willing to lend an ear and share advice and their experiences. After all, the more people who feel comfortable roleplaying on SoE, the bigger and more diverse the community gets and that's always a good thing!

...and no, not everyone is as nuts as me, but I'm working on that...
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81 Dwarf Paladin
I can guarantee you that I may be just a nuts as you are, if not more. Especially under the effects of Red Bull and sleep deprivation =P
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85 Gnome Mage
What Hiccup said. Although I think we're all varying degrees of crazy in this guild :)

Gannoss, not only are you welcome to app with us, but feel free to drop by our fishing event that's held every Wednesday. It's a different location each week, but it's a good "RP mixer" kind of thing where people can meet other roleplayers. Sometimes we tell stories, sometimes unexpected RP plots pop up, and with Cata just around corner, who knows what kind of craziness we'll run into.
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81 Dwarf Paladin
I'll show up, but not on this character. My RP alt is Col. Do you know ahead of time what city it is in?
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85 Gnome Mage
I'll show up, but not on this character. My RP alt is Col. Do you know ahead of time what city it is in?

I don't know just yet, but as soon as I find out, I'll let you know!
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100 Tauren Paladin
No way. She's more High Tinker material. We've got enough problems with the ogre that's being put in charge. lol =P

But yeah, Clockwerk, keep on ticking!
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Nozz is good people. <Clockwerk> are good people.

I'd join them myself if I didn't have a brewery to run.
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90 Night Elf Druid
If we hadn't wanted an IC guild, we would have joined Clockwerk! As it is, looking forward to maybe pouncing a few of its members for RP. ^_~
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85 Night Elf Druid
Nozzle is already queen of Stormwind. That other dude is just standing in for her. -sagenod-

At this rate, she will rule all of Azeroth as we know it. I approve. <3
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85 Gnome Mage
Nozzle is already queen of Stormwind. That other dude is just standing in for her. -sagenod-

Uh, actually ...


This was after she doodled a mustache on an unconscious Wrynn (or was it a smiley face on his chin?) during a Horde visit to the Keep >_>
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85 Night Elf Druid
Ahaha, I sooo wish I had been there for that. Clockwerk knows just what to do when the king is under attack!

...go all jigglypuff and draw on his face once he's down of course. What, you thought something different?
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84 Human Paladin
Clockwerk is awesome. Just read these testimonials from satisfied customers:

"I remember Clockwerk... in the mountains..."
- Thorim, Titanic Watcher

"Nozz was really nice to my cat once. Wasn't she, Bigglesworth? Awwww, aren't you a cute widdle- ummmm... excuse me for a moment."
- Kel'Thuzad, Archlich of the Cult of the Damned

"[hissing and groaning]"
- Pebblestealer, Risen Ghoul

"MR! Grlmrglglrmr!" (Translation: "OW! Nozz' magic HURTS!")
- Lrgllrmgl, Murloc

- Cenarius, Lord of the Groves
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85 Human Priest
Bump for my favorite Gnome and her awesome Guildies. If your looking for so awesome Rp with a mix of really great people (and I do believe half are mental... but the good kind) then this is the place for you.

Some Love for Bloody Hell to our friends at Clockwerk <3
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