Trying to find a guild home for others!

100 Night Elf Druid
Hi, all! Although I'm extremely happy UC, I recently came across some people in chat who were looking for various things in a guild. I wanted to help them, but am extremely limited by not knowing anything about the 'guild scene' as it is currently. I got the impression they're both looking for Alliance guilds.

The first person was hoping for either an RP-guild or at least an RP friendly guild that regularly run old world instances together. (They specified that they're not wanting a run-through, just someone willing to help them learn to effectively tank.)

The second person was looking for a guild that regularly does regularly hardcore raiding.

One thing I love about SoE is our sense of community and how we can come together to find people a good guild home! Does anyone have any recommendations about guilds that would fit the above? (I'll credit you when passing along the info, of course!)
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90 Human Warrior
Well I believe Henchmen of Tiamy (? spelling) are RP friendly and run old world stuff.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Much appreciated, Grimun! Thanks- I'll pass along the info!
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Way to be a positive force in the community Philo!
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