Where did YOU log out last night?

Feelin all nostalgic last night, I went to sleep in Scalebeard's cave in Aszhara.

Where I wake up this morning is anybody's guess. The fun part is explaining what happened.

Did anyone else go to sleep in inopportune spots?
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Dalaran so I can avoid any unforeseen screw ups, like appearing under the ground, or inside a rock, or something.
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100 Orc Shaman
At m' post, righ' outside th' Orgrimmar Auction House.
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100 Tauren Hunter
Right where it all began, Camp Narache.
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100 Human Mage
Taken from an interview with Tom Chilton posted on MMO-Champion:

That being said, where will players be when they log in? I know in beta it sent people to either the outside of Orgrimmar or the outside of Stormwind. Have you guys finalized where people are going to actually log in?
TC: Yeah they'll log in alive at the nearest graveyard of the zone they were at. So let's say they were in the middle of Arathi Highlands, they would be standing wherever the nearest graveyard is to where they were logged out at. So they're not like falling through the air to their deaths when they log in.
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85 Tauren Hunter
Taken from an interview with Tom Chilton posted on MMO-Champion:

That being said, where will players be when they log in? I know in beta it sent people to either the outside of Orgrimmar or the outside of Stormwind. Have you guys finalized where people are going to actually log in?
TC: Yeah they'll log in alive at the nearest graveyard of the zone they were at. So let's say they were in the middle of Arathi Highlands, they would be standing wherever the nearest graveyard is to where they were logged out at. So they're not like falling through the air to their deaths when they log in.

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85 Worgen Rogue
I made a campfire next to Old Blanchy. Late into the night, we told stories of glories past. Then, as midnight neared, I slowly fell asleep next to her, a tear rolling down my cheek as I patted her soft mane one last time.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
I thought I had another three hours and accidentally logged out in Stormwind. I intended to log out in Darnassus, as my role playing story had me in Auberdine for the Shattering and I was washed out to sea and luckily drifted to Teldrassil where I was revived and nursed back to health in Aldrassil, so i could start out and trace my steps from where I started back in 2004.
Looks like I will need to log in OOC and find a mage to port me to Darnassus before I start to literally start my journey.

It's going to be so much fun role playing with everyone, with all the years that have passed and events that went down. Role players paradise!
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Damn you

I made a campfire next to Old Blanchy. Late into the night, we told stories of glories past. Then, as midnight neared, I slowly fell asleep next to her, a tear rolling down my cheek as I patted her soft mane one last time.

Made me tear up T_T
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97 Tauren Hunter
I snuggled up next to Cairne. After a loong talk and some drinking.. I took several photos of the two of us together. We had just finished a really, long.. looooong drawn out fight with the elementals. Abominus "Yesssssssssssssssssssssss! Fiiiiiight harder!" leading our battlecries.

Dunno, I figured I needed to get one final shot of the big fella.


I guess I'll be @ the graveyard now.

Anyhoo.. here it is: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1551046974438&set=a.1280487650624.2039064.1183027960
Edited by Snowfeather on 11/23/2010 1:48 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Bhayne spent the night in Orgrimmar, waiting patiently for the next swarm of elementals, standing on top the auction house.
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100 Night Elf Priest

It seemed prudent to see the end of the world and the coming of the new in this place of rebirth.
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100 Undead Warrior
After a long night of constant battle against the elements, Abominus nodded to Oskor as the old Orc-thing stood guard outside the Orgrimmar Auction House. waerily, he staggered to the Inn, and collapsed on a hammock, going insensinate as the Forsaken are wont to do.

A few maggots took this opportunity to don pith helmets and go exploring.
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100 Night Elf Priest
I was supposed to log out in Auberdine, but forgot after a raid Monday night and logged out on a flightpath in Storm Peaks.

Oh well, at least I remembered to HEARTH in Auberdine before the Shattering....which redirected me to Darnassus.

EDIT: the days, they run together.
Edited by Troldann on 11/24/2010 6:32 AM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Paranitis - Ironforge.
Basterjio - Ironforge.
Sucineri - Ironforge.
Hensly - Ironforge.
Shamalan - Ironforge.
Alidimos - Dalaran (Mage).
Kitties - Orgrimmar.
Doggies - Orgrimmar.
Haeaa - Orgrimmar.
Doily - Howling Fjord (still level 71 or 72).

It actually took me awhile to remember where the hell it was I used to idle at before TBC came out. I remember in TBC I would idle on my flying mount on the southeast wall of Shattrath overlooking the repair guy. And in Dalaran I would idle on the balcony of the violet tower after I'd teleport up top. But pre-expansions I knew it was Ironforge, but couldn't remember. Then I remembered I used to idle either on top of the big anvil, or in the building overlooking the flight master.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Well, my master plan to stop 1K Needles flooding failed on my shammy: logged out with him standing at the main clear area just under Darkcloud Pinnacle - logged back in with him at a GY high up on Darkcloud. Jumped in, swam to Freewind post and was surprised to find it occupied by Grimtotems and under assault by a mix of Freewind braves and Feralan Sentinels. Dealt with the traitorous scumbag up top and paddled off the Speedbarge (which looks like a huge floating barrel of fun BTW).

<- main here was more fun. Logged out with Lord Hydraxxis - logged back in at the Bligewater Harbour GY, surrounded by goblins... was fun stealthily exploring until I started running into drunken AWOL grunts... lvl 83 grunts at that - when dashing off I managed to run into some more. Still, they don't swim too fast.
Edited by Shimmerglade on 11/24/2010 10:45 PM PST
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83 Dwarf Priest
With my little horde i logged out in Orgrimmar, and Awoke in Razor hill..


And on a serious note, on the toons that i'm leveling I usually Take them back to some town that i enjoy being in, for the main part it's usually Auberdine or Theramore depending on what continent i'm on.. woke up on most of them In the water for the ones that camped in Auberdine that night :/
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