Feathers of Iron Tavern

100 Human Death Knight

Hello everyone!

Due to our tavern becoming a lake, The Feathers of Iron will have to relocate their tavern. Expect to see us up and running again on Tuesdays very soon.

(I would put an IC message here.. only, i suck with those and i figured it was better to get the message i wanted out sooner rather than later)
Edited by Mariiku on 11/23/2010 5:47 PM PST
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Blasted sneaky lakes... ruining people's fun. We should ban lakes. *nod*
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100 Human Death Knight
I know! and all the rest of the tavern's i've scouted are very small.. or have NPC's up the wazoo.. 'cause blizzard can't let any place exist without cramming it full of things...
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100 Human Rogue
(I would put an IC message here.. only, i suck with those and i figured it was better to get the message i wanted out sooner rather than later)
((I'll do it, likely very poorly. :) ))

A rickety barrel sits on the waterfront near the former location of the Feathers' Tavern, several leaking sandbags weighing it down. Nailed to the barrel is a short note on official stationary from one of the many short-lived Steamwheedle Cartel district offices.

"To whomever drowning your sorrows may greatly concern, SOMEONE misplaced or ignored the property tax collection notices during the recent rebuilding. So, we have this nice waterway instead of the former aleway we've come to adore. Services are temporarily suspended, pending dragging the offender to a short financial responsibility course (offered at reasonable charge weekly by S.C. Accounting, N.L.C. Tell them El sent you.)"

The back of the letter contains mostly scribbled-out descriptions of referral bonuses and pyramid schemes involving several Steamwheedle Cartel divisions.
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100 Human Death Knight
(( Okay! well.. after alot of thought and attempts at finding a new place.. the Feathers of Iron tavern is moving to "The Golden Keg" in Stormwind's Dwarven district for the time being, until we can get something better set up.

We'll be holding things as normal on tuesdays starting at 6:30 pm server time! ))
Edited by Mariiku on 11/28/2010 9:55 AM PST
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