What's This?

85 Gnome Mage
So as the guildies were running around exploring everything yesterday (in the middle of "OMG look at this!," "Look at all the new places to RP!," "You HAVE to see this!," etc.), my attention was requested at the Stormwind Cemetery. There is a row of headstones that appears very different from the rest:


My first thought was, the headstones are shaped like the symbols on a deck of playing cards - Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs, and Swords. Not sure what the fifth headstone is supposed to be, unless it's the card itself.

I couldn't find any mention of hidden meaning on the Wowpedia (yet, anyway). Any theories? Conspiracies?

Better yet, what are some unusual finds you've come across so far?
Edited by Nozz on 11/24/2010 3:52 PM PST
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86 Orc Hunter
Obviously it's some sort of four of a kind/maybe a joke on the dead mans hand. Maybe.

In other such things near the new boat sitting out in the former shimmering flats is a group of floating dead turtles(obviously not very good turtles for drowning) with seagulls flying overhead. You can also occasionally see dead scorpids and near the cultist area a 'stranded' turtle stuck on a rock all alone.

Poor turtles..
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85 Tauren Druid
*makes a note to go save the turtle tonight*

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84 Human Paladin
I got a closer look at the fifth headstone on Wednesday. Most of it is like the others, but at the bottom is the Roman numeral "VII". Make of that what you will.
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