I want some friends hordeside!

100 Night Elf Death Knight
So, I don't hate the other side. Never really have. I want to make a horde character or two, but... I want to have some friendly folks to yap with as I play, you know?

Also I hear RP and general communityness is better on hordeside and I am greedy and want some of that!

So uh. Lemme know I guess!
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Log on horde character and /join HordeOOC

Folks to chat with!
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
Awesome, thank you! I'll pop in for helloing later tonight or maybe a bit tomorrow! :D
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80 Blood Elf Mage
Im always happy to make new friends if you want to add me. I play extremely late though.
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80 Tauren Druid
HordeOOC channel is great for those that don't have a home Horde side. Even if you don't join in the RP, all the fun people are on there. And strangely...same thing can be said for AllianceOOC. Cause our server rules.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
We do have quite a chatty bunch in HordeOOC.
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Just mind the belves, they're a little "frisky".....
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100 Night Elf Priest
They need to make up for the fact that even they can't tell their own genders apart.


Well now, that is a bit of a lie since there is a way -- the menfolk have better hair.
Edited by Amaelalin on 11/30/2010 11:20 AM PST
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44 Blood Elf Mage
>_> Damn right
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11 Troll Druid
(dont flame) whats hord OCC?
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80 Undead Warrior
12/13/2010 2:24 PMPosted by Naeert
(dont flame) whats hord OCC?

A miserable little pile of secrets?
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97 Tauren Hunter

To Naeert: The hordeooc channel is a channel where quite a few roleplayers and non-roleplayer go to talk about all kinds of stuff. Some of it is game related.. some is real life related. Sometimes it's not a nice place to be, quite frankly. If you can disregard the occasional tantrum, it's not so bad. I have the channel spooling in the background somewhere, but I can look at my chatlogs to see what I missed.

Just type /join Hordeooc and *poof* you're there, brother!

To Ourie: You can also join /Hearthstone. That channel is the IC channel. It's not very busy, unfortunately, but it's a channel to find out more about your fellow Hordie roleplayers. A good place to find out about events.. gossip.. evil mustache twirling.. hand wringing..and sometimes pacifier sucking. *wink* But again, this channel can sometimes be full of rock throwing and stomping around. We all have our bad days, eh?

I would keep my eye out for your Ourie, but you didn't mention your hordie's name.. hehe.

/rp on!

Seeking handsome, tall, hairy and horned Shu'halo bull for long bloody hunts and candy filled nights...
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70 Night Elf Mage
Feel free to add me, I'm usually on Marcato or Szik and I hang out in HordeOOC a bunch. Tend to lurk more than anything, but I always like new friends. And your name is familiar. I RP in Hearthstone as well. Would definitely be down for some RP!
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55 Blood Elf Warlock
Feel free to add me, as well - as Abessa, Ingoll, or Vladivar. I'm a thorough altaholic and only active in the early-early morning and midday, but when I am on I am interested in being in character. Period.

I've also been spending a lot of time Alliance-side lately, but we'll see if that holds up.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
So between cataclysm coming out and thus having to play this character more, and running out of antidepressants, I haven't had much time for alts and such!

Also yes, I totally forgot to put my character's friggin name.

I'm Hiera when I'm over there, which hopefully will be more often come the end of the month.

Thank you all for so many replies! :D
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51 Worgen Druid
Shyarma here, as you can see, I ended up going the other way and moving to Alliance. I hope you have fun on Horde, but I unfortunatley wont be joining you over there as I totally adore my new faction.
Goodluck <3
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