I want to blow up ICC a time or three before the 7th drops, and tonight is my usual night for having time available to raid (yay busy real life). My regular raid isn't running tonight, so I'm putting it out here in hopes of something being available.
Hordeside, obviously, I'm ready to rock by about 6:30. I come repaired and prepped with my own drinks.
Vital info:
gear level:
What I'm looking for:
If you, or your crew can help me out, feel free to post here, or drop me a line in-game, I'll check tonight when I get home from work.
Kindest regards
Hordeside, obviously, I'm ready to rock by about 6:30. I come repaired and prepped with my own drinks.
Vital info:
- main hooter
will offheal or offtank, no maintanking or mainheals
no feral dps (I'm epically bad at it)
gear level:
- ICC 10 (251 - 264 ilvl mix)
- 11 - 12 icc 10 norm
up through Saurfang on ICC25 norm
I am very low drama, and don't stand in fire.
since my gear sucks, and I've been levelling alts for the past couple weeks, I only do average dps
I am not a raid-achievement hunter
What I'm looking for:
- To see Arthas dead.
I don't really need gear, but I'll grab it if the opportunity oresents itself.
Fun. I do this to unwind. Fun or me is a smooth run, with people who play well, and show me how to play better.
If you, or your crew can help me out, feel free to post here, or drop me a line in-game, I'll check tonight when I get home from work.
Kindest regards
Edited by Plainswander on 12/1/2010 7:06 AM PST