Looking to reroll. Is this the place?

85 Goblin Shaman
Ok, so I'm in a weird situation. I made characters on Moonguard and Wyrmrest Accord because of their high rp-population. I'm an avid RPer. When I did this, I was pretty much sick of pve and to a lesser extent pvp so I did nothing but RP (was on a normal server before then) for about a year.

The problem is that now that Cata has made pve fun for me again, every time I try to do anything pve related, I have friends whining for me for rp. Plus, the guilds I find are usually YOUMUSTRPATALLTIMES or NORPMEANSYOUMUSTRAID24/7 I'd really like to have a character that I can level in peace on a different server while still having the option to RP.

I guess what I want to know is how is it here for casual RPers here? Would I be able to find an RP guild that doesn't require I go to every weekly meeting/event and won't QQ if I'm only online weekends or something? I plan to have an IC reason for being gone a lot.

I'm mainly interested in Alliance side for now (Dwarf shammy mmmm...).
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Hell yeah. At least Horde side. I'm personally not too sure on alliance side things anymore, as I rarely go over there.

To get a better idea of how the alliance side is, I suggest joining AllianceOOC and talking to the people in there. :-)

And if you wanna come say hi to us over on the awesome side ( ;-) ), HordeOOC is the way to go. :-)
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100 Human Death Knight
There's plenty of nice Alliance side guilds that would match what you want, i think.

You have to try a little harder to find the good guilds alliance side, but there's alot of great people that are more than willing to help you find one.

As to the "RP-Only or Raid-Only" scenarios you mentioned, i don't think i've seen too many guilds here that are so strict on that sort of thing. Sure, the RP guilds will want you to put a lil more effort into things than raiding, and vice-versa, but that's to be a expected.

Anyway, i think you can find a home here easy enough :) If you go hordeside, take up araceli's suggestion and go for the HordeOOC. If you go alliance, feel free to drop the feathers a line for an rp guild(i couldn't not plug the feathers in a response of this type :P), or try out AllianceOOC.

Either way, hope you find fun times on CC :)
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Hi Pip,

Cenarion Circle is one of the oldest realms in the entire game, and has a fairly well-developed culture and high population. As a result, most folks interested in a facet of the game have a solid chance of finding a guild that has goals similar to theirs.

CC has guilds that are all RP all the time, as well as those that very casually RP, and actually don't even have an RP concept for the guild itself. CC also has guilds that are all raid, and casual raid, and all PvP, and casual PvP. If you're looking for something like that, high-population realms are where you want to be, and to toot our own horn, Cenarion Circle is of those perfect examples.

I'll also put in my own shameless plug here; my new guild, The Reclamation, is a medium RP (meaning our guild chat is OOC; we have a separate channel for IC talk)/leveling (all classes/levels welcome)/raiding (at 85th level) guild. I'm currently building us; I have our first scheduled RP event this Sunday, and we're having our first guild meeting on Sunday as well; earlier in the day I'm running an RP Primer so some of my guildmates who are new to RP, as well as anyone from the forums here who sees my other post on the topic, can come and dip their toes into RP to see if it's something they enjoy.

So if you wanna come, The Reclamation would welcome you. This said, there are a lot of other really great guilds, RP and otherwise, on the realm, that run the gamut of RP intensity. We hope you come join our family. :)
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85 Goblin Shaman
Thanks for all the advice! Between that, the stickies, and a couple days of spy work, I ended up rolling a character on each side. I look forward to playing here!
Edited by Pipjip on 12/3/2010 6:14 PM PST
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