Moving to CC (Hordeside)

80 Tauren Warrior
To RP.
Specifically because I'm interested in RP and have heard good things about Cenarion Circle.

I already scouted the server earlier today, and have boiled down guild options to a small number.

Could somebody, RP friendly, help me find a good RP guild/group?

Also, are there any addons that are specifically for RP?
I found a good one called flagRSP Cataclysm, but I know there have to be more.
Edited by Hrurm on 11/30/2010 1:58 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I suggest joining HordeOOC (OOC channel for RPers to connect), and Hearthstone is our IC RP Channel.

FlagRSP2 is the addon I'm currently using. I know when Wrath was released there were issues with the FlagRSP Wrath, so I just went to 2 and had no issues.

We have several guilds on our server, and I suggest looking at this thread for an updated list:

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80 Tauren Warrior
You're awesome, thanks!

Edit: typo
Edited by Hrurm on 11/30/2010 5:59 PM PST
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