A second chance to carve your skulls!

85 Human Paladin
So, uh, yeah. I resubbed. I don't know for how long, or, frankly, how many people would still even recognize me, but I'm back. If you missed me, say howdy.

Also it's really weird that just as I come back to the forums, I see that my Paladin guide has been necroed. Though I'm glad to see it's still around, the coincidence is a little creepy. :-)
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100 Worgen Priest

I hope some other people pop up, but the forums have been quite dead for some time (I didn't do it!). I still have a couple of toons here that I play, though.

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100 Night Elf Druid
Aldheim! *hugs* Good to see you! Glad you've resubbed!
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