WTT some CCG items on Cenarion Circle!

100 Troll Warlock
Well since we are going to realm merge in the near future, decided to post this here and see if there are any takers!

Hello all! Got a few CCG items I managed to aquire and either have doubles or just do not want. Looking to trade em away! I'll send you the un-used code so you can input on which toon/server you want to use it on. At the moment, I have two items and a pet, the pet I will just crate up and send. The pet is a level 1 Landro's Lichling. The other two are a Statue Generator and a Magical Ogre Idol (two headed one, not the older point redemption trinket). I'll keep looking, I know I have it somewhere, but in the future, a Rest and Relaxtion card as well. Anyways, what I would like to trade is for are Muradin's Favor, Feldrake, Wooly White Rhino, Tabard of the Lightbringer, Droplet of Y'Shaarj, Viscous Horror. Darkmoon Eye and Ethereal Soul-Trader. If ya have any of these for trade, we can hammer out details later. The list was in no real order, though I'd say Muradin's Favor, Ethereal and Feldrake in that order are my top three. You can post here, or contact me in game, I very rarely ever alt, so I'll be on Didi.Though unless somehow this goes down tonight, I probably wont be responding untill Friday or Saturday as tomorrow my wife and I will be welcoming our first child into the world! Also if you do not have the items or want what I have to trade, please spread the word to someone who might!
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100 Troll Warlock
As an update, the Lichling is off the market. Still have the other two items up for trade!
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100 Undead Warlock
Would you want a Droplet for the Ogre Idol?
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100 Troll Warlock
Just an update, the magical ogre idol is no longer up for grabs! The statue generator is the only thing left unless I can find the missing rest and relaxation card!
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