A25 11/14H Friendly, laid back & mature LFM!

100 Human Mage
Hi Sisters of Elune!

We the fun folks at <Warcraftier> are seeking:

1 Balance Druid
1 Warlock

We will always consider exceptional applicants regardless of our active recruitment needs.

About us:

<Warcraftier> formed at the start of BC, combining a bunch of friends from many raid groups and coalitions during the great 40 -> 25 man shakedown ;P. Most of our core people have known each other since vanilla WoW (or before). We are an adult guild, and our members have real life occupations and commitments. Our guild atmosphere is laid back and we enjoy exchanging our awful and terrible senses of humor, however when it is time to raid we require our members to be properly prepared to get things dead. Membership feedback is really important to us and we take a lot of time to talk to individuals on a day to day basis in an effort to constantly help our members feel at home with us.

Our core philosophies:

* Real Life >> World of Warcraft
* Communication is key, lack of communication will always inevitably lead to drama.
* WoW is a game, it should be FUN.
* 110% effort at 4 nights a week > 60% effort at 7 nights a week.

Progression: (all on 25 unless otherwise noted)
Current Content
Siege of Orgrimmar..............14/14N 11/14H
Throne of Thunder................12/12N 10/13H
Mogu'shan Vaults..................6/6N 5/6H
Heart of Fear...........................6/6N 3/6H
Terrace of Endless Spring...4/4N
Dragon Soul...........................8/8N 8/8H (At 15%)
[pre-4.3] Firelands.................6/7H (P3 HRag, Glory of the Firelands Raider)
[pre-4.2] Tier 11......................9/13H (Server First Heroic Nefarian)
10/25-Man ICC Heroic..........12/12 HM - (Glory of the Icecrown Raider, Server 1st BoFK, Server First LoD)
10/25-Man ToC Heroic..........(Server First-Tribute to Dedicated Insanity, Tribute to Mad Skill)
10/25-Man Ulduar..................14/14 & 9/9 (H:GotUR, GotUR, Algalonx2)
25-Man Naxx/Maly/OS............CLEARED (H: GotR)

Pre-WoTLK we also cleared SSC/TK(pre-nerf)/BT/Hyjal and were working on KJ (went back and killed him after leveling but it was kinda trivial then ;P)

We call Cenarion Circle our home, its a PST-based RP (PvE) server. If you've never been on an RP server before, its functionally the same as a PvE server. RP servers attract a more mature player base, and have naming conventions in place (so you won't find yourself grouping with people named "PwnzUrMom"). CC is also one of the oldest WoW servers, and offers a large, active population with lots of PuGing opportunities and a stable economy.

Raid times are as follows:

Tuesday:........... 5:15 PM - 8:30 PM server time (PST)
Wednesday: .....5:15 PM - 8:30 PM server time
Thursday: ..........5:15 PM - 8:30 PM server time
Monday: .............5:15 PM - 8:30 PM server time

We DO NOT have an attendance requirement. We spend a great deal of time touching base with each individual in order to ensure everyone raids with a comfortable schedule. We distribute loot using a modified Zero-sum DKP. Our members are very mature about loot, and passing when it's a bigger upgrade or would benefit the raid more in the hands of tanks/healers has been a common occurrence since our formation.

In our off time we run old content, do odd achievements, arena/rated BG, Challenge Modes, and sometimes even play other games together :P.

What we want to see from YOU:
- Be knowledgeable about your class, and be willing to research and learn.
- Raid and ventrilo discipline.
- You come to raids prepared, with full consumables, and fully researched
- Maturity. This includes willingness to bring issues to the table so that they can be addressed.

What you can expect from US:
- No discrimination of any kind.
- A tight-knit, family guild type atmosphere (not kid safe though :D bad jokes abound)
- A consistent raid slot if we find that you are a good fit with us. We are recruiting you to RAID, not to sit on the bench.
- Respect. We always listen if our members have problems with anything. Unlike most guilds out there, we work hard to address each individual's concerns.
- Consideration. We understand that RL things crop up, and we work around your needs.
- Dedication. We've held raids together through 2 hour server crashes before. ;P
- Stability. We're low-drama and have an extremely low turnover rate (if it even exists at all :P)

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, please get in touch directly with Battletag: Lerrielin#1346 :D

Apply directly at: http://warcraftier.guildlaunch.com

- Lerrielin, co-GM of <Warcraftier>

Thanks and have a nice day! :D

PS: Make your pick quick, Mythic raid (new 20 heroic man raid) is coming for the next Patch 6.0, all the details are not out yet but plan your raiding future in consequence <3
Edited by Olórin on 2/7/2014 1:21 PM PST
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90 Human Death Knight
I have all of those characters!
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100 Human Mage
Updated as requested by my guild leader ;)
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90 Worgen Druid
That is one heck of a raid schedule! 4 nights a week is a bit aggressive, but I do wish you folks the best nevertheless.

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90 Night Elf Druid
We do have four scheduled raid days, but we don't have an attendance requirement. So, while some folks do willingly raid 4 days, most raid less than that. Some do 2, some do 3... it all depends on their preferences. We actually work around each person's needs, something that's rare even for casual raiding guilds. ;)
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90 Worgen Druid
Thanks for the clarification, Lerrielin; I really should learn how to read :)
Your attendance policy sounds awesome. I look forward to seeing you folks around in a couple of weeks!
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