Mailing Heirloom Gear Isn't working?

100 Pandaren Priest
I just tried to mail my Heirloom gear over to Sisters of Elune Server from Bladefist and it said "you cannot mail these items to this Server at this time" (or something along those lines) Am I missing something?

The new Mail system is character Name here - Realm right? if anyone can shed some light on this, that would be awesome :)
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93 Night Elf Druid
02/11/2014 02:25 PMPosted by Yoora
The new Mail system is character Name here - Realm right?

I haven't tried to mail any heirlooms to here recently, but yes, you are correct. Make sure there are no spaces between the words, so it should read: Yoora-sistersofelune

Hopefully it'll work this time :)
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90 Worgen Rogue
My problem has not been trnsfer but after 80 even though i upgraded to lvl 85 cap they are not as equal to the items I pick up around 82, so its a waist of emblems.
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