((Horde RP - CC!)) Call to Arms

100 Orc Warrior
Warsong. There was a time when mention of my clan's name evoked thoughts of honor, glory, and ferocity. Now, thanks to the deposed tyrant Hellscream, it brings only thoughts of his atrocities, and his Kor'kron legions.

In times past, the Warsong Clan was at the forefront of the Horde. During the aftermath of the Second War, it was us who led the charge to hold the Portal grounds, and struck against the Alliance. When we were betrayed and abandoned, we survived, and evaded the human slavers. When Doomhammer and Thrall struck against the Internment camps to free our brothers and sisters, the Warsong Clan struck alongside them. When Thrall led us across the sea to Kalimdor, the Warsong Clan was sent to lay the foundation for our new home. Grom Hellscream gave his very life to free our people from the Blood Curse of Mannoroth.

Now, the Horde has been weakened. Weakened by Garrosh's tyranny, the rebellion, and the Siege of Orgrimmar. Our numbers are depleted, and the forces of the Horde are inadequate to keep our lands and people safe. And so, it falls to us.

We shall carry the shield that protects the Horde. We shall be the blade that cuts down our foes. Ours shall be the battlecries that strike terror in those who would oppose the Horde. We will defend the Horde against any threat, foreign and domestic.

We shall become the Legacy of the Warsong.

~Korigal Windaxe
Son of the Warsong, Warrior of the Horde

((LotW is a new, up-and-coming RP guild on Cenarion Circle, with a strong Horde-theme among all the civilian, and elf-led guilds we're surrounded by as it stands. We seek to promote Horde-side RP, and the idea of the proud, honorable Horde warrior. Seeing as we're getting merged on the 27th, I thought I'd post this topic up here too, to let people who might be interested know.

To apply, just get in touch with Korigal either through mail or whispers, and we'll set something up to get in touch for an in-character meeting, and we'll see if we're right for each other. You don't need to be a veteran soldier to defend Horde and Home. Just bring a brave heart and strength of character.

All classes and races are accepted, but some of the less-honorable sorts might need to work a little harder to impress some of the older, prouder sorts.

For the Horde!))
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"For the Warsong! By the Warmaster!"

I am proud, to see my clan rise again from shame, rise again from deceit and treachery.
We will bring honor to our cause, and we will prove the Legacy of Warsong worthy of remembrance to our ancestors and to our sons and daughters.

Fight for the Horde, for the Warchief, for the Warmaster.
Fight for your brothers and sisters of the Warsong.

Make the Horde great again.

Layabouts and cowards have their place, join us, but be ready to taste my boot.
Edited by Mahkargh on 2/24/2014 5:29 AM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
You go boys!

I always love seeing more big, strong orc men diligently training beneath the searing Durotar sun.
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