Spring Festival 2014 (H/A RP Events)

100 Human Paladin
For several years, the Spring Festival has been a staple event for Cenarion Circle. It has been a chance for roleplayers to get together and celebrate the changing of the seasons with some festive gatherings.

As we will soon be bound together we would like to ensure that your events/guilds/and roleplayers are invited and that all are able to enjoy this event.

This is an extra special Spring Festival because it will be extended to our soon to be Sister Realm - Sisters of Elune

Two weekends of RP events to celebrate our roleplay community and our marvelous guilds! All are welcome!

March 14-16Alliance
March 21-23 Horde

Location TBD

If you need transport, just join the allianceooc/hordeooc channel on the day and request a summon!

Want to run an event? Just let us know (see below) with the date and time you'd like to do it, and details of the event. Please let us know if this is a guild-sponsored event so we can give the appropriate credit.

Want to turn up to represent your guild and/or recruit? Just come along and turn up.
Want to advertise your wares and run an IC stall or shop? Just turn up on the day and find space.

Alliance - Genevra/Brandon/Tahlyn
Horde - Trenetir/Larcentius
Or just post here!
Edited by Genevra on 2/13/2014 11:26 AM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
I think all SoE members should bring kitties to the events :3
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100 Human Paladin
March 14
Time TBD Sprocketeer's Demolition Derby
Time TBD Conclave's Search for answers scavenger hunt

March 15

March 16

March 21
6p - Homeland: Festival of San Pad'rek!

March 22
7pm - AAMS Lounge Night - Hardwrench Hideaway

March 23
5pm - The Royal Library Salon
Edited by Genevra on 2/16/2014 7:34 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
I just want to note that yes we can have more than one event/day, and yes we can extend each event by days in either direction. I encourage anyone/group/guild who is able or interested to have an event to feel like they have the chance to.
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100 Human Paladin
This is in a couple weeks and it looks like we need to flesh some things out yet. Azheira, are you three planning a tavern night. And I'm assuming that since the Library has stopped hosting salons that they won't be hosting one that night. So in short, we are still looking for events.

I understand that The Broken House has an event on Sundays hordeside. Perhaps one of them would weigh in on the possibility of incorporating that?
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