Greetings and an Invitation

100 Human Paladin
First off. PHEW! You have no idea how excited we are to be connected with you. We're very excited at the possibilities and very much look forward to some fun new roleplay opportunities.

If you haven't checked out the events yet or someone hasn't posted them, Monday nights are either the Troubadour night in Ironforge at the Explorer's Hall at 6 or the Pia Clinic at 5 on alternating Mondays. Tuesday is the Feathers Inn at Booty Bay. Wednesday is The Light and You Sermon at the Gazebo behind the Cathedral. Thursday is a rp/pvp event with the Lluchduu Ocheliad which is a mixture of fun events.

Unfortunately, I am not sure when the horde events happen, but there are some nice ones and some great horde characters.

CC is very open with our rp events, so we highly encourage everyone to join in and look forward to seeing our new friends there.

BUT the 21 and 22 will be the Dating Game.
Details here--

We'd love to have a few entrants from SOE to kick off the connection if it indeed does happen by then. There will be some very nice prizes given away and it should be a lot of fun just to watch if nothing else. We'd love for you to join in the fun.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I replied to the dating post on the CC forums.

Anyway, I believe one of the Horde SoE RP guilds is trying to get started back up before the connection but other than that... there is not much happening on the Horde side of things in SoE. Not that I'm aware of anyway.

So when is the Alliance Booty Bay event? RPing with emotes always presents an "interesting" challenge.

*Gives Gentyl a sly wink*
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90 Human Paladin
The Booty Bay Tavern night is at 6:30 pm (that would be CC server time).

Also, there is another Tavern night at the Blue Recluse in Stormwind on Fridays at 6:00 pm.
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93 Night Elf Druid
02/13/2014 03:47 PMPosted by Gentyl
First off. PHEW! You have no idea how excited we are to be connected with you. We're very excited at the possibilities and very much look forward to some fun new roleplay opportunities.

You have no idea how excited I am to see people excited about connecting with us! It will be lovely to see the empty streets of Stormwind (and elsewhere) filled with roleplayers again.
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/13/2014 11:23 PMPosted by Azheira
The Booty Bay Tavern night is at 6:30 pm (that would be CC server time).

Also, there is another Tavern night at the Blue Recluse in Stormwind on Fridays at 6:00 pm.

Nyah! Stormwind!? Are you trying to get me killed?

Anyway, so the Booty Bay thing is 6:30 pm CTZ then?
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I can speak from experience after three of my guildies and I went to the Booty bay tavern night last time, that the event was enjoyable, the place was pretty busy, I got a sideways look from someone (Its booty bay, someone has to eye someone in such a way!), and Tamz made a waitress blush (Oh yeah, old man still got skills!)

Was a very fun event though, looking forward to more interaction with our CC Brothers & Sisters of RP ;)
Edited by Tãmz on 2/14/2014 9:39 AM PST
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