Idea for Re-Roll / New Guild

100 Night Elf Hunter
So I've been tossing around an idea for a Re-Roll guild when the Server Merger between Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune happens. To give you a very abridged version of my journey with WoW, I'll just say Ive been playing since the very end of BC...weeks before Wrath Launched. ICC was the Raid I cut my teeth in. I have been an Officer in Cenarion Circle's <Rusty Blades> for years and absolutley love it there. My Main (and by Main I dont mean current main...I dont think there is such a thing....but Main = First toon you fell in love with and can never think about a Hunter...yeah I know...Hunter Main...but oh well...I love that Night Elf.

So why a Re-Roll guild if the Rusties are so awesome? Well for starters I have been playing mostly on WrA server as of late due to the general emptiness of Cen Circle. I went Horde all through Cata and ran a guild over there / had a blast....but due to IRL losses...( :(...Tips 40oz to my boy Nos) ), and a general dislike of the Horde (I never felt connected to any of their races)...I came back to allience. But Cen Circle was sooo empty I deleted Horde toons and rolled some Alliance over there (WrA). But playing Alliance made me remember why I loved Cenarion Circle so much in the first place....The guys are simply Amazing.

So - heres my thoughts...I want to create something great. My motto in WoW is that we pay to play this game....if you arent having fun...they stop playing. That being the case, I dont believe that one person can be the "source" of everything fun in a guild. I want to make a guild for the guild / by the guild. I want alot of Officers...Officers running things / setting up events etc. I want RP...I want PvP...and I want this all to be done with the Cenarion Circle twist...people first. Leave your Gear Score at the Door...and bring the person. I want to get new friends from SoE involved and have them help run this thing too. I would really like to have a group of people help in the planning of the Creation of the guild...from name to Logo to Uniform (mmmm uniforms really make a difference IMO)....everything.
Anyways...I will be checking in game Mail on my Main <Thieren-CenarionCircle> so feel free to hit me up if you are on CC and like this idea...and I will post this on both Cen Circle and SoE realm forums...I sincerly hope to hear from a bunch of Amazing People!

TLDR - New Guild...want Awesome People who want to meet other great people, help create Guild and have a great time together...

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100 Gnome Priest
Consider this SoE! ^

It is a grand opportunity! Once we connect it won't really matter much if its CC or SoE because really we'll be one community, so have better way to solidify our bond as RPers than to put our heads together and create one kickass guild between the two of us!
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So you want to form a RP-PvP guild and make it from a united effort by SoE & CC am I correct on this? If so, I can see it being fun, I can see it definitly being a bonding project. However, I would need to see where things go before I can say one thing or another about my ability to commit to a project. As a Guild Leader currently I must put my guild before my own interest, so I would really need to know the scope of being a officer in this project before I can say what level of energy I can commit to this project.
Edited by Tãmz on 2/17/2014 10:50 AM PST
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93 Night Elf Druid
I'm actually a co-GM on WrA, but SoE was my original home, where I was also GM for a time. I obviously cannot commit to a full time officer position, but if you're looking for someone who would be eager to support the guild when available, I am very much interested in participating. I would love to see roleplay brought out in the open again here.

I do play here on a consistent basis, so it wouldn't be a case of me showing up once every few weeks and only then to just check mail. I can also promise that if I commit to something, unless some unforeseen disaster strikes, I will be there.

I'll send you a letter in-game on CC, after work!
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100 Night Elf Hunter
@ Tamz - Not necessarily a RP-PvP guild...but a guild that does all that and all of everything else as well. I would like there to be dedicated people helping to put together parts or "wholes" for everything. And I'm all for not being able to commit for whatever reasons anyone has. Like I mentioned...this is YOUR have fun how you see fit. If that means dropping in every now and then to say hi....and run a be it.

@ Daimhin - I look forward to meeting you around Azeroth (and the forums). /checks mail...hehe

Thanks for the replies all...keep em coming!
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Sounds like a grand idea. I dont see why you woujldnt have alot of support available to you. If I see any interested parties I will send them your way. Though my time is limited and I have 2 guilds to run I can support through WA.
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