The supple hide of a lamb is nailed to a supporting beam of a nearby building, tacked at four corners with thick, iron spikes. Immediately spotted from a distance is the symbol of the Horde at the top of the hide and a pair of crossed warhammers at the bottom. Thick script emblazoned in a rich dark brown covers the hide as if it has been branded with the words. It reads as follows:
Throm-ka, Warriors of the Horde!
For generations before their betrayal and corruption our people lived at peace with the elements. We honored the spirits of our ancestors and we fought to defend our homes and bring strength and glory to our Clans. Twice each year, when the day and the night held equal sway, all the Clans would gather together in the sacred fields of Nagrand and seek counsel from the spirits at the Holy Mountain of Oshu’gun.
Since the revival of the Kosh'harg last year, the Horde has been through a gauntlet of challenges beyond imagining: the corruption of some of our people through the taint of the Sha, the twisted dominance of the elements committed by the so-called Dark Shaman, the zealotry and arrogance of the Alliance, and the loss of many great warriors.
With the coming of Spring, however, the night gives its power over to the day and the radiance of the sun can claim dominance once more. As we feel the warmth of the light of day returning to our world, we are reminded of just what our comrades fell to protect, and we are moved to celebrate their sacrifices in service to the Horde. We are reminded especially of the sacrifices of those who served the Darkspear Rebellion and paid the ultimate price to ensure that our Horde never again labors under the yoke of corruption. This is a time of renewal and rebirth, and the hour has come to honor to our fallen, our ancestors and the elements in celebration of victories yet to come.
Let us welcome the sun as it begins its rule in the heavens once more. Let us honor the memory of our victorious dead. Let the Clans be gathered together once more for the Kosh’harg!
For our ancestors,
Throm-ka, Warriors of the Horde!
For generations before their betrayal and corruption our people lived at peace with the elements. We honored the spirits of our ancestors and we fought to defend our homes and bring strength and glory to our Clans. Twice each year, when the day and the night held equal sway, all the Clans would gather together in the sacred fields of Nagrand and seek counsel from the spirits at the Holy Mountain of Oshu’gun.
Since the revival of the Kosh'harg last year, the Horde has been through a gauntlet of challenges beyond imagining: the corruption of some of our people through the taint of the Sha, the twisted dominance of the elements committed by the so-called Dark Shaman, the zealotry and arrogance of the Alliance, and the loss of many great warriors.
With the coming of Spring, however, the night gives its power over to the day and the radiance of the sun can claim dominance once more. As we feel the warmth of the light of day returning to our world, we are reminded of just what our comrades fell to protect, and we are moved to celebrate their sacrifices in service to the Horde. We are reminded especially of the sacrifices of those who served the Darkspear Rebellion and paid the ultimate price to ensure that our Horde never again labors under the yoke of corruption. This is a time of renewal and rebirth, and the hour has come to honor to our fallen, our ancestors and the elements in celebration of victories yet to come.
Let us welcome the sun as it begins its rule in the heavens once more. Let us honor the memory of our victorious dead. Let the Clans be gathered together once more for the Kosh’harg!
For our ancestors,
Edited by Braksus on 2/16/2014 6:22 AM PST