WTB a Tauren Priest

100 Troll Shaman
It is the class our guild needs for our 8th tab and will pay 3k for a tauren priest that will be honored in our guild and you have no obligation to stay. I will love you forever <3 If any of you exist out there >_>
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100 Goblin Warlock
A tauren priest? That's an... oddly specific request. You do realize they are a pretty rare race-class combo right?
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100 Troll Shaman
We found one last night and yes they are very rare, that is why I posted a thread to see if I could get any to come out of hiding.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh, well that's good then. Be sure to feed them three times a day and let them out to do their "business" at least twice.
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100 Orc Warrior
02/22/2014 12:52 PMPosted by Tonicpaw
We found one last night and yes they are very rare, that is why I posted a thread to see if I could get any to come out of hiding.

If you still need one, post an update (not sure if this post means you don't need someone still) I could roll one on CC and power it up easily.
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