[H-RP] Mormel & Rhazin’s Store Grand Opening!

100 Goblin Warlock
The following flyers have appeared overnight throughout all Horde major cities. Outhouses and washrooms in particular have their walls and doors plastered with them, often accompanied by a graffiti of a goblin woman smiling.

Do you want to purchase incredible dresses?
How about taste the finest drinks in all of Azeroth and Outland?
Maybe you are interested in something a little special like potions or gadgets?
Or perhaps you just want to hang out and have some fun?

Even if you didn’t answer yes to any of these questions you absolutely must attend the…

Mormel & Rhazin’s Boutique & Bar™
Grand Opening Event!!!

Nyah! That’s right! We’ve combined the best clothin’ store with the best bar to create… the best store ever! Actually, scratch that! The best thing since… since… gnome biscuits!

So where can you find amazin’ merchandise and ever more amazin’ deals?

The manor at Gallywix’s Palace in Azshara

When does this wonderful occasion happen?

March 28th at 7:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time)

Please note that you must provide your own transportation. If you can’t then you are probably too poor to afford our incredible offerings anyway!

We will also be providin’ a kennel and bath service for all dogs at a reasonable price!

Furthermore, in celebration of our impendin’ grand opening we will be hosting magic shows performed by Swizelle the Stupendous at the Chieftain's Rise in Thunder Bluff. You can catch her performance Monday thru Friday this week at 5:00 pm (pacific time)! There you can also learn more about our incredible store from myself, the lovely Mormel, and Rhazin. Unless, of course, we happen to not be at Thunder Bluff that day… but we probably will be!

Anyway, you'd be crazy not to come on the 28th because I’ve got what you need and if I don’t got it then you don’t need it!

P.S. Bring money!

EDIT: Changed magic shows to Thunder Bluff.
Edited by Mormel on 3/3/2014 5:50 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Just a recap))

Store Grand Opening
Gallywix’s Pleasure Palace
Friday March 28th at 7:00pm Pacific Time

Swizelle’s Magic Show
Chieftain's Rise in Thunder Bluff
Monday March 3rd thru Friday March 7th at 5:00pm Pacific Time.

((The store is the main RP event while the daily magic shows are fun mini events. I was hoping Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune would be merged by now but since they are not we will have to RP buying/selling at the store event. However, there will be drinks at the store event and if you happen to be from SoE then I will be selling some dresses and a few random potions if anyone from my realm is interested.))

((Rhazin, Swizelle, and myself are going to try to be at all the magic show events but, because of our schedules, there is always the off chance one of us might be absent for a day or two. Speaking personally a snow storm is hitting my area today so if I lose power I naturally could vanish for a while.))

((Also, if you want to bring a character without flying to the store RP event then let me know and I can summon you OOC.))
Edited by Mormel on 3/3/2014 5:52 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Due to problems with instancing at the Darkmoon Faire all the remaining magic shows will take place at the Chieftain's Rise in Thunder Bluff))
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90 Night Elf Warrior
((Magic show. Cool Idea.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
It's quite the show too! *winks*
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100 Goblin Rogue
*Plays with a shiny new-to-her gold piece.*

Not a complete waste of time... always be glad ta lend a hand if ya need someone ta work the crowds, so ta speak!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Gnome biscuits! Who let you in here!?

*narrows eyes*

Although I guess any help with the crowd would be nice... even though I know by 'work' you mean pilfer... you sneaky sneak!
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100 Goblin Rogue
Figured if ya went through all the effort of gettin' a crowd and all, at least one goblin oughta be walkin' away with a profit.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Hey! We made a profit...

In the future! Mwhahaha!
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100 Goblin Rogue
03/08/2014 02:21 PMPosted by Mormel
Hey! We made a profit...

In the future! Mwhahaha!

I'm in hunt of profits, not prophets.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Hmmm. Mormel the Prophet.

*rubs chin*

That has quite a nice ring to it actually. Hehe...
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100 Goblin Warlock
Just one week to go! Nyah! You'd be crazy to pass up on these amazin' deals!
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100 Goblin Rogue
((*Offers a used copy of The Inside Trade since Mormel's so strapped for cash.*

*The front cover features a picture of Rhazin, Swizelle, and Mormel.*

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11225542678?page=1#3 ))
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh boy! A free magazine!

*Mormel's eyes begin to sparkle!*

Free! Free is wonderful!

Nyah? It even has a picture of me, Swizzy, and Rhazin on the front too! I'm sure if there is an article inside it will in no way, shape, or form offend me.

*whistles happy tune as she begins to read*
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100 Goblin Warlock
Tomorrow's the day folks! Doors open 7 pm pacific time (ie 9pm Sisters of Elune time) at the Gallywix's Pleasure Palace main manor!
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100 Goblin Warlock
The Boutique & Bar grand opening was a success! A big thanks to everyone who was able to come! :D
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