Out with the old for new years.

100 Blood Elf Priest

Now that the world has been remade and questing is far more fun and entertaining we should look back on the quests of yesteryear. I myself have played all along, a week after classic beta ended. I am curious as to the quests you found annoying or made you go eh? It does not have to be classic only. It can be anything, though I would prefer pre shattering stuff.

When I first started playing there were a few quests I hated. The main two depended on faction. Deep ocean vast sea irritated a great many of my alliance lowbies. For horde there was only one creature I truely dispised, and for some reason now I cannot remember his name at preasent. I believe it was Fizzle darkclaw, he was the object of a quest called dark storms and he was a goblin warlock. I think he was responseable for more deaths then any mob in WoW, even more then Hogger!

My favorite places were un'goro and feralas. I just liked the jungles. Wailing Caverns and Blackfathom have also always been my second home. Even after outleveling them.
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The shaman totem quests for Horde.
Especially on a pvp server.
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100 Human Mage
One of my main opinions right now is that the new Duskwood levelling experience is one big massive nostalgia trip for the people who levelled there pre-Cata.

Most or all of the old quest lines there are intact in some form, some either just plain intact, or other, more lore-heavy ones, intact, but implying that the old versions of them were completed by someone, but now, for various reasons, you need to revisit the quest lines.

The Stalvan chain, for example, and Morbent Fel. Both of these questlines act as if the Vanilla Questlines for them were completed, but new developments lead the player out to revisit those plots.
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88 Tauren Druid
I miss the old Brill. Never thought I'd say it... but I do. :-(
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I didn't find any vanilla quests to be terribly annoying, but then, I'm a bit of a grinder by nature.

Having been working on my first "real" rogue alt this past couple days though, I find the new take on the forsaken (no, no doubt about it. We're evil, twisted, sadistic, and downright nasty to anyone who isn't forsaken. You are either forsaken, or The Enemy, enough with this "shades of gray" silliness...) really refreshing after what I always felt was the forced moral ambiguity of the vanilla version.

It amuses me that now the Horde has the most evil, AND the most (albeit debatably) "good" race - all on the same "team".

Maybe we should rename the factions from "horde and alliance" to "extremists and moderates".
Edited by Plainswander on 12/3/2010 9:42 AM PST
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100 Undead Warrior
*vomits forth maggots and tapeworms onto Hewt-thing, then skitters off*
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