[A] - Fancy Feast - Now Recruiting

85 Dwarf Warrior
Fancy Feast finally has a website at http://fancy-feast.wowstead.com (work in progress)

Fancy Feast is a Progression-based Raiding Guild for Cataclysm, which is open to people of all "walks of life", meaning if you are into Raiding, RP, PvP, you are just Leveling, or plan to stay Casual/Social, then you are fully welcome to join us.

The only thing we ask is that while you are a part of our guild, while immaturity isn't entirely rejected, please keep guild chat relatively clean. - Discussed further in Recruitment forum under "Rules of Guild".

Hours - At this moment I believe we will have our raiding schedule be...
Wednesday: 5pm - 9pm PST
Thursday: 5pm - 9pm PST
Friday: 5pm - 9pm PST

We might fudge with the numbers a bit depending on people's personal schedules like make Friday be Monday instead. But what I am wanting really is 3 nights a week at 4 hours a piece. It might seem like a lot to some people, but once you start clearing content and getting it on "farm", what you could once do in a 12 hour week, you end up doing in 2 hours in one night.

What we are looking for: Ranged DPS/CC, and Healers. Would be even better if all our "hybrid" classes comes into play with a DPS spec and a Tank OR Healer spec.

Loot - Free roll (except crafting materials).

If there are any other questions, respond to this thread, make a post on our guild forum, or send a whisper/mail in game to myself (Paranitis) and I will do my best to answer them for you.
Edited by Paranitis on 12/5/2010 9:53 AM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Oh, and I am still messing with the website, so trying to figure out how it works. :P I be not gooding at intarwebs.
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90 Night Elf Druid
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90 Night Elf Druid
We enjoy elegant dining. Nuff said. There's a Red Hat Society, where old ladies literally wear red hats, so why not a guild named Fancy Feast, in which we feast fancily! And nobody is forcing you to join.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Druu..that was retarded.

No, I understand what you are saying Glass. And really, I am not entirely sure how to answer it either. I have a reason why Kitties is named the way he is named, but Fancy Feast I hadn't really thought of. But at the same time I figured this was just gonna be a guild of myself and my alts and so it wouldn't really matter overly much.

I think it definitely skirts the rules, but I also like to look at it and say it doesn't go to the extent of some of the PvP server guild names, or even some PvP guilds we have or used to have on this server.

I could say this guild is named this way because Paranitis' cooking skill is maxed and the Feasts he cooks are "Fancy", in comparison to what Dwarves normally consume. But really I don't know what else to say.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Your response wasn't that far off from mine.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Oh, and I forgot to bring up the other part of Glass' argument..about being in a guild with the name itself..you should see our ranks. XD
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85 Dwarf Warrior

Looking for people of all levels for pretty much any reason (RP, PvP, Raiding, Casual, Leveling). As long as you are respectful of RPers, you will be just fine with us. I'll probably be asking while leveling in Cataclysm too.

I wonder how people unguilded people actually come to the forums anyway.
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80 Orc Rogue
I've been looking for a raid guild on CC for a couple months now. It seems the Horde raid guilds are few and far between though. I'll probably just end up server transferring to a buddy of mine who has an Alliance raid guild.

tl;dr: Unguilded people DO read the realm forums.
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85 Gnome Mage
Hey Paranitis - sent you a message on the Fancy Feast website. :]
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I noticed, Arkend. Got up a bit late so was able to catch it then had to go to school. But I am back now.

It's also possible the website isn't working as intended yet since I am new to the whole website thing. There SHOULD be an "Application" link on the top bar, but I am not sure if the settings I put up allowed certain ranks to edit that stuff, or only allow certain ranks to access that stuff. :P
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Before-School Bump

We've invited a few people so far. Sub-80's who are leveling and want to be casuals, a couple interested in raiding. People have fun using guild chat and whatnot. We are really friendly people here, so would like more to join with us! :P
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Recruitment Bump

Slowly getting more people, but we need more! Need more 80+ people so we can start guild raiding at some point. Also we are at G2, so you get an experience boost on leveling so far. Need more people so I don't need to jump on my own alts to try to boost guild xp by myself when people don't log on!
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Still need more people. Guild Level 3 finally. Mostly because Blizzard changed the speed at which guilds gain experience, so while we were on top of things the first couple days, we basically have no shot at hitting the cap each day anymore without more people.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Still trying to get more people. Could use a healer or two, and some ranged dps. Planning on starting raids in the beginning of January and need the people for it to happen.
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