The forsaken plan

85 Blood Elf Warlock
OKay, so as I am currently trying to finish up Eastern Kingdoms north, I have 3 zones left, WPL/EPL and Tirisfal Glades. As I delve deeper into dealing with the Forsaken, I find myself at odds. I ask myself " What the hell, we just finished a two year long war invovling the scourge, and now you want me to go place plague barrels back down on a recovering farm land? " Or I end up debating on whether or not to even bother picking up the quests.

So, I am wondering if anyone else is having moral odds with the completeion of some of the quests, or just down right refusing to do them. Or am I all alone in this?
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90 Troll Druid
I really enjoy the dark/evil aspect of the Forsaken actually. She's the new Lich Queen, and I revel in the nastiness we get to help spread.

I can see some characters ICly being against the tasks, or certain players frowning at the new Forsaken War Machine (Ley hates them!), but I think it's all a part of the New Horde. We're the monsters of WoW, and Garrosh kind of reinforces this. I don't like his model, or approve of his attitude, but our revamped, Cata leaders are leading us to bloody, brutal wars. I for one welcome it! ^^

It's a game, and while I really think Thrall was/is awesome, I'm looking forward to being base and violent and bad in the next expansion!

So: "For the Dark Lady!" *uses her shovel of mercy to play another round of golf in Hillsbrad Foothills*
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85 Gnome Mage
I really enjoy the dark/evil aspect of the Forsaken actually. She's the new Lich Queen, and I revel in the nastiness we get to help spread.

Same. I've gleefully played through Tirisfal, Silverpine and Hillsbrad, and I have enjoyed every wretched second of it (well, maybe not so much the bush chicken >_> ).

And it's not entirely all nastiness, all the time ... your character is saved on a few occasions by Forsaken who sacrifice themselves for you. Watching Master Apothecary Lydon bring about overdue justice was priceless.

So: "For the Dark Lady!" *uses her shovel of mercy to play another round of golf in Hillsbrad Foothills*

*evil laugh*
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100 Orc Warrior
Having first inhabited the body of a Forsaken I can tell you, it's easy to be heartless when you're pretty sure there's no heart in your rib cage. Ours is not to question why, ours is but to do and die.

What I never understood were a lot of the Eversong Woods wretched quests... Open a methadone clinic will ya, there's better ways of dealing with strung out junkies.
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