(H) Looking for a 10 man group for Cataclysm

85 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm an old school raider who took a break from raiding in Wrath. I'm looking to get back into raiding in cataclysm and I'm looking for a good group of 10 to do it with. I'm currently in a (silly named) guild of RL friends and I would like to stay guilded with them. I moved away from Minnestoa and it's really my only way of keeping in touch with them.

I'm looking to raid casually (but seriously), mainly on weekends with perhaps a weeknight sprinkled in there. I work early in the morning and I'm central time zone, so any weeknight raiding would have to end pretty early. I have an army of alts, but I've decided to play my paladin exclusively. I've raided vanilla wow with priest and mage, BC with a rogue. I plan to be Holy/Prot in Cata, but really I have no preference and I can play any spec as needed.

I show up every raiding day, keep my mouth shut and do my job. I have vent and a stable connection. My wife aggro is remarkably low. :) I've never been the weak link in any raid group and I don't plan on being one now. If you have a spot for someone like me in your raid group just let me know. Generally it'll be easier to reach me here on the forums.
Edited by Upbraid on 12/3/2010 5:50 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Let's chat in-game, I'm usually on in the evenings/nights.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Still looking for the perfect fit.
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