In search of a casual leveling/social guild.

40 Undead Priest
I've recently returned to WoW and I'm looking for a fresh start somewhere. Cenarion Circle looks like a really promising server and I'm very interested in playing here. The community seems great from what I've seen. :) All I need is to find a good home!

I'm not expecting to find a guild that matches all of this criteria, but I might as well see how close I can get. Here's a quick (okay, not so quick) rundown of what I'm seeking:

Faction doesn't matter. There's things I like about either side.

I've never gotten into RPing, but I'm not totally opposed to giving it a shot. My preference goes to light/no RP, but I could be swayed to try something more involved.

I'll be leveling something from scratch, and I'd love a guild where I actually feel I'm a part of it as a non-80/85. I'm not looking for handouts or instance runs or anything, just some acknowledgement would be nice.

I'm not really into being on Vent/Mumble/TS all the time. I'm hoping to find a guild that has a decent number of people that still make use of guild chat. I know it's archaic, but I actually kind of enjoy typing/writing. I'm not opposed to voice chat or anything, but it would be great if I can still get along with people if I'm not a habitual user.

On the PvE side of things, I'd honestly be content with running 5-mans. Any form of raiding would be a bonus. I do my part and read up on encounters, listen to directions, etc, and I can definitely handle running out of patches of warm and fuzzy death.

I think that's pretty much it. Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything, but it's becoming wall-of-texty enough as it is. :)

Edited by Woltar on 12/3/2010 12:42 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Priest
I've tried to avoid being in guilds for my WoW career, but I do wish you luck. :)

Hordeside, you might want to look into Ishnu Por Ah or Razortalons. They're a bit heavier RP, but they both enjoy running small raids and are made up of very friendly people.

Allianceside... I really have no idea! <.<
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90 Human Priest
The Other Side is a friendly, casual Alliance guild on Cenarion Circle. Take a look at our webpage and forums and let us know if you think it might be a good fit. ;)
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90 Troll Hunter
We in Homeland could be what you seek if you want to go Horde. However, both factions have OOC chat channels in which you can get lots more info and lists of appropriate guilds. Also be sure to check out the RP guild list posted on this site.

If I'm online when you wander through, i have a macro I use to list the horde guilds. Don't have it handy as I'm posting from my iPad at work.

Happy leveling! :)
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Hi Woltar, and welcome to Cenarion Circle! If you're going to be rolling Alliance, my own guild, The Reclamation, is recruiting folks of all classes and levels. We're medium RP (meaning that our guild chat is OOC; we have a separate channel for IC stuff)/leveling (wanna make a worgen? You'd be welcomed!) and, once we have people at 85th level, raiding (casual-style, two nights a week with an optional night for cleanup before raid locks reset).

Look up most anyone in the guild by doing a /who reclamation, and if you don't accidentally wind up bumping into me or one of my three officers on an alt (or on our main), you'll likely hit someone who can at least tell you if one of us is online. :) Hope we can talk with you soon!
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40 Undead Priest
Thanks for the replies! I haven't had a whole lot of time to log on the past few days, but I'm thinking I'll have to try both factions. I probably won't be able to resist the worgen bandwagon though, so I expect to spend a lot of time on Alliance at first. ;)

Brynn, "The Reclamation" sounds like it'd be a good place to get acquainted with RP. I'll probably send you (or someone) a tell when I'm not so busy. :)

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85 Night Elf Rogue
If you end up going with the Alliance decision, The Dawn of Victory would love to have you as a temporary guest in our ranks to see if you like us our not. From what you've said I think you'll fit us perfectly. You can read our Recruitment thread I just posted a few minutes ago aswell if you'd like.
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Hey Woltar,

Look any of us Ishies up, you sound like you'd get along with us pretty well. We've a reasonably active guild OOC channel, so there's always company, and we're all polite.

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