Hail fellow adventurers,
So let’s talk about Wintergrasp.
This morning in the wee hours of the morning before work, I log in and see that Wintergrasp is about to queue. Eager to smack some horde, I strap on my ‘way too large’ sword and queue up. I enter the zone to find that it is myself, a rogue and a druid (I apologize that I forgot your names). That’s right. 3 of us.
I was just about to scream, “damn you alliance!” when I notice that we have no tenacity buff. Could there only be three hordies? Hmm.
I begin travelling the desolate landscape, killing NPCs to get some vehicles and perhaps win the day for some lucky people who barely get the opportunity to do the Vault of Archavon. A paladin pops out of the keep and is quickly dispatched on my blade. I kill some more NPCs and an elemental shaman does the same. He befalls the same fate as the paladin.
I finally meet up with the rogue on my side. We ride around the edges of the keep killing and killing, slowly working our way up the rank ladder. All in all, there is a mage, shaman and pally on horde side.
We finally get enough to get a couple of siege engines. About 10 minutes have gone by at this point. We hop in and move to the first well. The mage is there with bells on looking to score some easy kills on the siege engines. He was wrong.
As if reading each others thoughts, the rogue and I jump out of the siege tanks and quickly dispatch the bewildered mage. We jump back in and continue hammering on the wall. We continue this strategy dealing with the Shaman and Mage (I believe the pally must have left and the only sighting of our druid was doing circles in a catapult outside the keep). Sometimes they came at the same time, some at separate times.
Upon reaching the inner doors to the relic, our siege was halted. We hurry back to get a pair of new siege tanks and hustle up to the gate. Thankfully both the mage and shaman waited at the door (which was at about 20%). They were done.
We pushed through them and the door exploded. We claimed victory and dispatched the mage and shaman in a very close 2 on 2 (the poor rogue did die but we’d already won).
The moral?
Alliance kicks butt! ;-)
Ahem.. actually the moral is when there are enough alliance to match the horde and you work together, you will take Wintergrasp. This of course would go for both sides however horde control WG most of the time so most of you already know this.
Travel together, protect the siege engines and move the vehicle in groups. There’s obviously much much more as far as strategy when dealing with pvp (you can’t write a wowwiki article on how to deal with an unpredictable player) but you get the idea.
I hope in Cata we will have more success in pvp. I'm sure the horde would appreciate the challenge as well.
So let’s talk about Wintergrasp.
This morning in the wee hours of the morning before work, I log in and see that Wintergrasp is about to queue. Eager to smack some horde, I strap on my ‘way too large’ sword and queue up. I enter the zone to find that it is myself, a rogue and a druid (I apologize that I forgot your names). That’s right. 3 of us.
I was just about to scream, “damn you alliance!” when I notice that we have no tenacity buff. Could there only be three hordies? Hmm.
I begin travelling the desolate landscape, killing NPCs to get some vehicles and perhaps win the day for some lucky people who barely get the opportunity to do the Vault of Archavon. A paladin pops out of the keep and is quickly dispatched on my blade. I kill some more NPCs and an elemental shaman does the same. He befalls the same fate as the paladin.
I finally meet up with the rogue on my side. We ride around the edges of the keep killing and killing, slowly working our way up the rank ladder. All in all, there is a mage, shaman and pally on horde side.
We finally get enough to get a couple of siege engines. About 10 minutes have gone by at this point. We hop in and move to the first well. The mage is there with bells on looking to score some easy kills on the siege engines. He was wrong.
As if reading each others thoughts, the rogue and I jump out of the siege tanks and quickly dispatch the bewildered mage. We jump back in and continue hammering on the wall. We continue this strategy dealing with the Shaman and Mage (I believe the pally must have left and the only sighting of our druid was doing circles in a catapult outside the keep). Sometimes they came at the same time, some at separate times.
Upon reaching the inner doors to the relic, our siege was halted. We hurry back to get a pair of new siege tanks and hustle up to the gate. Thankfully both the mage and shaman waited at the door (which was at about 20%). They were done.
We pushed through them and the door exploded. We claimed victory and dispatched the mage and shaman in a very close 2 on 2 (the poor rogue did die but we’d already won).
The moral?
Alliance kicks butt! ;-)
Ahem.. actually the moral is when there are enough alliance to match the horde and you work together, you will take Wintergrasp. This of course would go for both sides however horde control WG most of the time so most of you already know this.
Travel together, protect the siege engines and move the vehicle in groups. There’s obviously much much more as far as strategy when dealing with pvp (you can’t write a wowwiki article on how to deal with an unpredictable player) but you get the idea.
I hope in Cata we will have more success in pvp. I'm sure the horde would appreciate the challenge as well.