starting fresh

62 Orc Warrior
I have not played WoW in a fairly long time and I'm looking to start fresh to experience the new 1-60. I'm wondering what the most needed archetypes tend to be on this server (especially horde side), I know tanks and healers are usually safe bets in terms of finding a party but is that still the case? Which of the two is in a bigger shortage, particularly for 10 mans?

Additionally other than maybe feeling like a sellout is there any real reason not to play a hybrid class and allow flexibility to just fill any needed spot? At a glance over various forums and data it seems hybrids are still pretty ridiculous, so from a purely game-mechanic point of view if one wants to be a tank I'm not sure I see why you would pick warrior or if one wants to heal I'm not sure why one would pick can pick a paladin (for example) and be just as effective (or more so) at either.
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90 Troll Druid
15420 seems hybrids are still pretty ridiculous, so from a purely game-mechanic point of view if one wants to be a tank I'm not sure I see why you would pick warrior or if one wants to heal I'm not sure why one would pick priest.

Fun fact! Priests and warriors are both hybrid classes! :P The only non-hybrid classes are mages, locks, rogues, and hunters. The Pure DPS. And to be completely fair, I kind of feel like they already have a solid benefit: no can peer pressure you into healing and tanking!

I'd just go with whatever sounds the most fun. Tanks and healers both have easier times finding groups; healers generally have the easiest time, and I'd avoid tanking if you have a hard time being part of a tanking team.

Of course, if you need a defined suggestion, just roll the master class!

Druids can be anything! In your spell book, just take a look...

Umm...bye now!
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90 Undead Warlock
Honestly, more warriors are always a good thing. In general, more tanks = awesomer. More healers = better arena teams, but nobody likes arena people, they're scary and I shall have none of them and their shenanigans!
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