(A) Mother Approved Recruiting for 10/25/PvP

85 Human Warlock
Thank you for your interest in Mother Approved

Mother Approved is a meritocracy where demonstrable playing skill and a desire to be the best will get you a full time raiding position, but only having the best in slot gear will not. Our philosophy of skill>all leads to being very selective of who we let in. Yes, this results in a more selective process, but that is part of being a progression raiding guild.

We plan to have a much stronger presence in cataclysm.

For our future in Cataclysm, we will be rolling with 10's up until everyone is level 85 and have experienced enough of the 10m strats so that we can transition into 25's without forcing ourselves into a longer learning curve. We try to have a good mix of not only elitism for progression, but an understanding that real life happens. It's unfortunate but mistakes happen. It's how you handle that mistake the next time around that shows your true character and ability in this game.

*.We are opening recruitment for every class and role.
*.We have a lengthy trial process. Just getting a guild invite can take up to 2 weeks.
*In order to get this invite; ability, attendance, social tact are reviewed by the officers and must be passed. Once passed and/or met you will then be offered an invite.
*2 weeks of perfect attendance are required before an invite can be extended, no matter how good you may be.
* If you feel you deserve an invite entirely based on your skill level, this probably isn't the best place for you.
*We'd rather raid with 9/24 people rather raid with that one person who makes us hate playing the game.
*If an applicant doesn't qualify 100%, it'll be on a case by case basis, we'll discuss it with you and then offer an additional week of trials.
*We'd like to get a feel for your ability and your personality to ensure you are a good fit for us.
*Once an invite has been extended you will then be in our "try-out" rank where you start earning your raiding status.
*Try-outs are expected to be able to explain strats if asked during their trials, and lead by example to those who are still awaiting their guild invite.
*Not being able to hold up to set standards will jeopardize your raiding position.
*Mistakes made during a trial are expected to happen, but are expected to be fixed before an invite will happen.
*We want well rounded people.

Raid times: Tue/Wed/Thurs 6-9 (Mandatory without prior notice)

of if you'd like to type something in you can use this:

Current 10/25 Considerations are:

Caster/Ranged DPS:
Every class**

Every class**

Every Class**

**We are not in "need" of raiders. We do currently have enough players to fill out raids, but skill,attendance,commitment will guarantee you a raid spot. And the applicants we are considering are those who are driven for raiding and progression. If we put you through trials and accept you. You will have a raid spot, we do not recruit for standby.

Loot Rules:
Modified DKP (if you want to see how our dkp works, just ask. It's simple and does not favor hording)

ICC 10 11/12 Heroic + Drakes
ToC 10 (5/5) ToGC 10 (5/5 with Tribute achievement)
ICC 25 (12/12) ICC 25 HEROIC (8/12)
Ruby Sanctum (4/4) 10 man
Ruby Sanctum (4/4) 25 man

If you feel you have the ability to compete amongst the top on this server. Apply soon and apply with confidence. We look forward to raiding with you and competing amongst the best in Cataclysm.

Good Luck!!
Edited by Zarthelas on 12/14/2010 8:04 AM PST
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85 Human Warlock

As we make our start into Blackwing Decent and Bastion of Twilight we are looking for a few more solid folks to round out our needs.

We are always looking for solid players, but we are heavily considering applications from the following:

DK Tank
Druid Healer
Holy/Disc Priest
Shadow Priest
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100 Night Elf Druid

Seeking awesome players! Must come equipped with raiding skills and a sense of humor.

Please head to


for more info.
Edited by Evangelinex on 2/12/2011 6:53 PM PST
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85 Human Paladin
Holy pally willing to raid still getting some gear though on alot i pvp anything else u can either ask me or ask my freind fireslay he aslo a holypally in your guild also lving a mage currently 80 and have a 85 warlock
Edited by Artiix on 3/19/2011 9:58 PM PDT
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