I am looking for another RP server to play on (I currently play on MG and WrA, but looking to expand my experience)
I'm wondering what RP is like here Horde and Alliance side =)
The RP on this server isn't as vast and numerous as the RP on MG or WRA, but I feel what we lack in numbers, our server makes up for in quality. I RP'ed with many of SoE's RPers and in my four years of being here, I've only had a small handful of them that I haven't wanted to continue RPing with. While I cannot, nor would I promise you would get RP every day you're here. I can say I'm more than willing to RP any time I'm on unless I'm busy, and that you would get fine quality RP from many of our RPers. As for being connected sooner or later to Cenarion Circle, this will also help SoE see a boost in RP.
If you do plan to come check out the server, simply join the RP community channel RPchatter on both Alliance and Horde. I will even check back on the forums to see if I can reply to any questions you may have, as well as answer them in game if you would like to speak.
Till your next reply here, or we get to talk in game, have a good evening, and may your RP experience be enjoyable & never ending.
Tamz, SoE RPCommunity website Mod & GM of The Shrouded Sentries.