Server merge update?

81 Blood Elf Priest
I am hoping they will connect us to something this upcoming month. But it seems, more and more, they are milking the paid transfers as much as they can. I know quite a few that have xferred off just since they cancelled the last merger.
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40 Orc Monk
Well I am glad to see people still speaking up about SOE. Please don't let it go, keep the demand up to connect this realm. Our Horde guild has been over there for several years and I am astonished at how dead it is.
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/26/2014 08:48 AMPosted by Durusicarius
I honestly think that 90% of the horde players on sisters of elune have moved their toons to other servers. it's beyond dead here.. it's like a cold quiet tomb.

The irony is that SoE's defining characteristic back in its day was being one of the very few Horde leaning RP realms. Sure.... literally two-thirds of the server were belfs in TBC... and that blew but it was an active pro-Horde RP realm. Rather sad to see what it has become but I still refuse to pay for a transfer.


My fingers remain crossed for that merger with Cenarion Circle.
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55 Blood Elf Death Knight
Just updated again and we are not on it again.
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100 Goblin Warlock
We should all get an achievement for being the last realm merged.
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100 Gnome Priest

We will be connecting the realms listed below on Thursday, August 21 during a scheduled maintenance beginning at 5 a.m. PDT through approximately 1:00 p.m. PDT. Once maintenance is finished, these realm connections will be complete.

Lightninghoof and Maelstrom, The Venture Co
Shattered Hand and Coilfang, Dark Iron, Dalvengyr, and Demon Soul
Sisters of Elune and Cenarion Circle
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100 Undead Rogue
i'm hopeful, but considering how they took us off the list last minute last time, i'll hold my enthusiasm until it's done.
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100 Orc Death Knight
Is there a reason not to turn WOW into a massive cloud configuration? DCUO is that way as I understand it
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90 Troll Rogue
08/10/2014 06:59 PMPosted by Cedartusk
Is there a reason not to turn WOW into a massive cloud configuration? DCUO is that way as I understand it

The problem when you do that is you lose all sense of community. If you were suddenly thrust into a server of millions of other people, there would be almost no chance of ever randomly coming across the same person twice. When they merge servers like this, they create a stronger community by hooking together smaller, quieter communities into larger, more active groups, that aren't so large that you never see a familiar face.
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100 Orc Death Knight
08/11/2014 05:54 AMPosted by Tazeel
08/10/2014 06:59 PMPosted by Cedartusk
Is there a reason not to turn WOW into a massive cloud configuration? DCUO is that way as I understand it

The problem when you do that is you lose all sense of community. If you were suddenly thrust into a server of millions of other people, there would be almost no chance of ever randomly coming across the same person twice. When they merge servers like this, they create a stronger community by hooking together smaller, quieter communities into larger, more active groups, that aren't so large that you never see a familiar face.

As to potential los of comunity: you have a potentially valid observation. Although i'm not sure if SOE much community to start with. Sure it had a little up to and including WOTLK. My experience was that was a mix of trolls in trade and the occasional people marching around BSing. Personally I'm not sure if being so bored your trolling in chat as community as compared to maybe nerosis or frat house-
Be that as it may I'll still go along with your observation to point though. My counter argument is though is that reely true? if people would be idlinging shrine (or the next expac equivilant) you might run into them. Especially if there were nooks 'n cranies, random things to find (or do) combined with hubs that encouranged players to visit them. DCUO I was coming across the same (or simillar) people in Metropolisis fairly regularly. You'd see players perfecting there batman, ironman etc.
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100 Troll Shaman
Greetings new friends from Sisters of Elune. I hope the merger goes smoothly and I hope to see you all in game soon.
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Greetings from CC~ I will enjoy the many new faces from sisters of elune and hope to make many new friends as well. Also if your into pets and mount *which i totally am into* that gives you an even better reason to be friends :D
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100 Worgen Druid
Hello again from CC! I hope this time our connection actually goes through.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Wild party at my place if the connection actually happens tomorrow!
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100 Human Rogue
08/20/2014 01:54 PMPosted by Mormel
Wild party at my place if the connection actually happens tomorrow!

*Gives everyone directions to Mormel's place.
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100 Human Priest
The merge is going very well Ally side! Awesome meeting you guys!
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