Looking for Sapphire Cub

100 Goblin Warlock
I'm sure someone somewhere has the recipe for this. If you're reading this and capable of crafting this pet, or can coerce someone else into making it, then let me know asap. While I can't provide the materials I will cover their cost and pay well for the service.

Please hurry! Every hour I go without my solid gemstone kitty increases the emptiness in my heart.
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100 Goblin Warlock
A big thanks and shout out to Sharinel! <3

That was incredibly generous and sweet of you to send me the Sapphire Cub. I'm not a big achievement hunter but I really want to get the Crazy Cat Lady title because I absolutely adore cats irl and now I'm one step closer! Thank you!

If there is ever anything I can do for you in game don't hesitate to ask.
Edited by Mormel on 4/7/2014 1:38 PM PDT
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