Looking for a freindly RP guild

27 Tauren Priest
Hello, I recently just returnded to World of Warcraft and decided to reroll. I chose to go with a RP realm for a new fun experince with new people. If there are any guilds out there looking for more members I would be happy to join. Thanks

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80 Blood Elf Paladin
A lot of (the good) RP guilds require some form of application. Either an in game letter or a post on their guild website. I'd suggest checking the sticky thread on this forum for a list of possible guilds to contact. When it comes to finding a roleplaying guild its more about finding a guild who's theme meshes with your character than just having a guild tag.

As much as I love certain guilds I would never join them with some of my alts. Larune here is a bit difficult to place considering she's not the most warm friendly person.

Also join some of the roleplaying channels. HordeOOC (though it can be a bit silly/dumb at times) and Hearthstone (an in character channel where we talk over our hearthstones so not a physical location)
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27 Tauren Priest
Thanks for your help ill look at the sticky post.
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