@ Today's Reclamation Event: Thanks!

100 Worgen Death Knight
To everyone who showed up for the IC debut of The Reclamation, thanks so much for taking part! I had a blast, my guild members who were there had fun, and some awesome potential came out of the meeting!
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70 Draenei Priest
Thank you for having me. It was my first rp event outside of small guild events. Left quite a good impression.
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Yeah, the event probably created a big impact on Alliance RP here because of the formation of the War Council. Glad to be there.
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14 Dwarf Shaman
Sadly, my wow playing computer crashed while it was going on, but it was fun while I was there! Good job!
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85 Human Paladin
A war council and I missed it! Dammit. I'm gonna have to talk to ya and see what I can find out about it.
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