Yet another how is the community thread

100 Human Warrior
Hello everyone.

I was originally on Sisters way back in Wrath and through Cataclysm on my original account, and I still have a couple of characters here. I ended up transferring to Moon Guard and I love the random walk up RP and the fact that pretty much anyone I click on has an MRP or other roleplaying profile. That's all great.

I don't even mind the ERPers, etc. They tend to quietly stick to themselves, and I don't make it my business what people do in private.

It's the toxicity of Trade chat. I don't even mean Elwynn Forest with its deserved reputation, but the citiy chat (not just Trade, which I have silenced) has gotten to the point I can't stand it anymore. Last night while waiting for random queues to pop I literally flew to Searing Gorge because I couldn't handle any more homophobia, racism, overt sexual talk (again this is in /1 General chat,) fat shaming, and good Goddess the sexism. I'm a woman IRL--my husband and I played together here on this server when we were first dating, in fact. I'm tired of feeling entirely unwelcome every time I glance down at the chat box.

Yes, I know the easy answer is to just block all chat channels. That would fix the toxicity but, well, I believe MMOs are meant to be played as social games. We're meant to chat and talk to each other, to do things with each other. I'm that girl, the one who says hi and tries to engage the other party members in a random queue or chats in LFR (and is either solidly ignored or told to "shut my !@#$% mouth.")

That was a long explanation, but here comes my question. I liked the people in my circle back when I played on Sisters, and even though RP seemed dead I could at least expect to be talked to like a human being. Oh I know every server has trolls but this one always seemed much more pleasant than the Normal or PVP servers I played on.

What is the community like these days? Is it just as toxic in Stormwing/Orgrimmar as here on Moon Guard? I know you guys get CRZed with us, so you get all the Elwynn Forest trolls with none of the active RP, and for that I'm sorry. I know you guys are supposed to get linked with Cenarion Circle and I would guess that is going to give a shot in the arm to your RP, so I'm not really asking about that (though any insights you'd care to give I'd love to hear.)

Thank you for the time you took to read this and have a good day.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
To be painfully honest with you, there isn't a community here anymore. WrA is the place to be. Sure, you still have your trolls but it's nowhere near as bad as MG. Everyone pretty much jumped off the sinking ship of SoE and to another server mid-late Cata and it hasn't gotten better and sadly won't get better. It's a ghost town on SoE in all respects. Even if some people kept trying to say that wasn't true and hold onto the delusion that it was still what is use to be it's pretty much dried up. They keep talking about our link with CC but as far as I know it's been postponed almost indefinitely so I can't offer hope there. You're more than welcome to come hang out with us on WrA though! Most of my guild and myself have moved there and it's a happy medium.
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93 Night Elf Druid
05/19/2014 01:13 PMPosted by Kytrana
What is the community like these days?

Echoing what Nyksis said. Any toxic element that's left is stuck in its own private cliques, as the community is nearly non-existent. During peak hours, the usual hotspots you'd expect to see on MG or WrA are dead here - and I'm not talking about a handful of loiterers, there are zero people around. The most people I see are the several or so hanging around the Stormwind AH or Halfhill.

Still, the few people I've managed to run into are nice, and the conversations I've had are mostly reminiscing about the days before the majority jumped ship.

WrA is definitely worth checking out if only because a lot of SoE folks migrated to that server.
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Hello Kytrana! I use to be on a RP-PvP server called Maelstrom and I can say that the toxicity was painful there during my early days in WoW, so I know your pain a bit. I moved to SoE about 3-4 years ago and honestly I never looked back. Now onto the important matter at hand, your post :).

Now prior to a unplanned 1 year leave due to PC problems, the RP community wasn't really booming, but wasn't really quiet either. After I made my return however, things seemed to have changed, and not in a way I would have loved to have seen it change. I'm not going to lie and say the RP community isn't hurting here, but unlike others, I won't call it dead. If anything I believe we're in the perfect position to begin fixing things, learning from the mistakes of the past, and work together to improve the community. One thing I can say for sure and I stand by this belief, is that SoE in my personal opinion; has far better quality RP than WRA. Not as numerous, but the quality is better. I can also say from my few trips to see what all the hype was about with WRA, that I honestly didn't see anything that I hadn't already seen on SoE or Maelstrom before. Honestly, all WRA has over SoE is numbers.

Currently the RP community channel is RPchatter for both Alliance & Horde. Now I cannot speak for Horde side mainly because I'm not a big Horde player, but Alliance side is starting to see more people appearing in it. Not as frequently as I would like to see, but frequent enough to see some blood pumping in the community.

RP events are at a low, but I know Philolune from Underground Covenant has been working to get Story time back up and running, I'm currently in the process of getting a Wandering Caravan started, and there are other plans that are sitting on the back burner for the time being till IRL things change for some people. So RP events while in a low, should start picking up over time. As for walk up RP, well that may or may not improve once the cross-connection is fully completed between Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune. So, sadly like everyone else, I got no magic 8 ball to tell me what will happen or won't happen around here.

There is also the RP community website, which Talibah of Hand of the Sun and myself currently mod/admin for. There -was- a older website about 2 years ago, but the original admins stopped running the website. So Talibah and myself started working together with this current website to keep a RP community forum going. Just within the recent months however, the website was updated, and is now being rolled out once again for the RP community.

Now for your question directly.

05/19/2014 01:13 PMPosted by Kytrana
What is the community like these days? Is it just as toxic in Stormwing/Orgrimmar as here on Moon Guard? I know you guys get CRZed with us, so you get all the Elwynn Forest trolls with none of the active RP, and for that I'm sorry. I know you guys are supposed to get linked with Cenarion Circle and I would guess that is going to give a shot in the arm to your RP, so I'm not really asking about that (though any insights you'd care to give I'd love to hear.)

I wouldn't call our community toxic at all, sure some of us do not like each other, but that is just basic Human nature. All honesty though, I really feel SoE's RP community has really just gone to ground, which is a shame. But I'm confident this can be changed with time and effort by people willing to do it. So again like I said; I won't call SoE's RP community dead and that is because there is at the very least one RPer still willing and very much aiming to start seeing the server rise back up from this slump. The Cenarion Circle RP connection will indeed give our server a shot in the arm, but I'm willing to do my part to see SoE's RP community play a role in making RP better not just for SoE, but also for our Cenarion Circle Brothers & Sisters that I've had the pleasure of talking with. So there are still good folks here and there will be even more good folks to come with Cenarion Circle, but most importantly, there is still a beating heart in the SoE RP community. It may be a small heart beat, but it is still a heart beat I'm willing to help however I can to keep it beating.

But now for the whole spew of "Check out SoE or go check out WRA" and while respectfully people have given their two cents to the matter. Here is my direct 2 cents on it.

If you value quantity over quality, by all means check out WRA. But if you value quality RP over quantity, then by all means check out SoE. Ultimately it's your choice and I can say if you come to SoE, I'm more than willing to help you meet other people in the RP community that are good people, they're not toxic, they're good RPers, and overall just generally good people. I wish you the best though with whatever choice you make, Kytrana.

PS: Pardon the derps on my part. I haven't learned my lesson about replying to forum posts late at night lol
Edited by Tãmz on 5/23/2014 2:05 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Monk
I'm sorry but saying that WrA doesn't have quality RP is probably the most untrue statement I've seen on these forums. Perhaps you only spent 5 minutes over there and decided to form a highly incorrect opinion but it's simply not the case.

Those in my guild and several other guilds I know on WrA have quantity AND quality and until you do more than just pop over for a moment and pop back to ghost town SoE I don't think you really have the qualification or the right to say otherwise.

I've spent years on both servers simultaneously, I have high level characters on both and on both factions on both. I think I know a thing or two. The reason why WrA is a better choice is because most of the quality role players moved from SoE -to- WrA and you'll find them there quite quickly and easily. The resources are more abundant and the people are helpful on either faction. Happy gaming.
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100 Pandaren Hunter
I'm so sorry that you've been experiencing negativity, Kytrana! Dealing with any of the stuff you described would make for a not-fun gaming experience! Perhaps I've just been very lucky, but I haven't encountered any of the same stuff on SoE. I'm very similar in my approach to the game (saying 'hi' to people) and most of the folks in RPchatter on both sides will greet you if you say hello!

There's a couple of different events you might like to try if you'd like to experience what RP is currently like. On the Horde side, the fantastic Mormel and company will be holding a Boutique & Bar Spring Sale on Sunday (there's a thread about it here ( and then, on the Alliance side, there's Storytelling Night every other week in Darnassus. Please let me know if I can offer a ride to these or any other events!

Hope you're able to find a good, supportive server home, no matter which one you decide to go with!

(Editted to correct the day of an event!)
Edited by Yumao on 5/23/2014 2:28 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
I apologize for not responding to this thread sooner. I've been occupied running a major RP event Horde side that demanded a lot of my time.

With that said RP is really about finding a good group of people who you gel with. I personally dislike the major RP server (WrA and MG) for a number of reasons That does not mean they are terrible I just prefer a smaller, more tight nit community.

The problem though is finding small yet active communities is exceptionally difficult these days in WoW. Servers have been rapidly dying for years now and server transfers was really the nail in the coffin for a lot of RP communities. Now you almost have to utilize crz to form a network with people from multiple servers.

All this said I would strongly recommend looking into Cenarion Circle, especially if you focus on Alliance RP. The people there have been exceptionally welcoming to me and it's not difficult to find RP when you want it. Supposedly some day Blizzard will actually merge SoE and CC but that has been delayed for months now...

Anyway, definitely check out the story telling event Yumao mentioned. If you have a Horde char then the AAMS Lounge at Hardwrench Hideaway is a great event to attend as well. It is held every Saturday at 9pm Sisters of Elune time.
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100 Pandaren Hunter
The folks from CC have been nice even to me, even those who wouldn't know me except via Mormel). She's mentioned some of the Horde opportunities in her post above. There's also a storytelling evening every other Thursday that I host that meets at 8:30 in Danassus in the area to the north of the bank.

I've also heard amazing things about the CC folks and have enjoyed getting to know them.I'm really hoping that the merge will start soon so that we can tell people what guilds, events and the various supportive communities on the merged empire. I didn't know I wanted it so much until I knew we'd be paired with CC, who I adore!

in the meantime, please let us know if there's anything we can offer that might make experiencing Azeroth a little more fun for you!
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100 Goblin Warlock
You host a storytelling event Yumao!? You have to let me know when your next event is so I can attend on my Alliance char.
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100 Pandaren Hunter
That'd be amazing! Yup, it's as my main, Philolune, and it'll be held tonight at 8:30 sever time, 9:30 eastern.There's a little pavilion to the north of the bank in Darnassus where we gather.
Edited by Yumao on 6/5/2014 3:06 PM PDT
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100 Human Warrior
At the risk of necroing a thread, I just wanted to say thank you for all the friendly and informative replies. I did end up making a little baby warrior on Sisters on the Alliance side, but as I'm not particularly faction crazy I am interested in all the Horde suggestions and so will be trying something over there as well. Thanks!
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70 Orc Warrior

If your interested in going Horde side, I am contemplating forming my own Guild for mostly RP purposes and fun raids against the Alliance of any level towns and who knows eventually getting back into Ironforge. So far I have not seen too much activity in RP or PvP raids. Glad you choose to come to Sisters.
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07/01/2014 12:16 PMPosted by Kytrana
At the risk of necroing a thread, I just wanted to say thank you for all the friendly and informative replies. I did end up making a little baby warrior on Sisters on the Alliance side, but as I'm not particularly faction crazy I am interested in all the Horde suggestions and so will be trying something over there as well. Thanks!

Awesome to hear!

I recommend joining RPchatter on both sides, this way you can find some of the local RPers easier. If you ever see someone named Zulkir (Zul'Kir), that is my main Horde alt toon.

Hope to RP with you sometime, Kytrana :)
Edited by Tãmz on 7/2/2014 2:45 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/01/2014 12:16 PMPosted by Kytrana
At the risk of necroing a thread, I just wanted to say thank you for all the friendly and informative replies. I did end up making a little baby warrior on Sisters on the Alliance side, but as I'm not particularly faction crazy I am interested in all the Horde suggestions and so will be trying something over there as well. Thanks!

Great to hear!

Definitely check out the AAMS Lounge I mentioned earlier. It's Saturdays at 9pm (SoE time) in Hardwrench Hideaway. The turnout there is usually good and you'll meet folks from SoE, CC, and BWR.

As for guilds I'm unfortunately not too familiar with all the SoE guild options since they mostly keep to themselves. I know the Bloodhoof Brigands are active and they sometimes attend RP events. I also think the Ghostfang Brotherhood is still around.

Anyway, I hope to see you in game!
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07/03/2014 09:19 AMPosted by Mormel
07/01/2014 12:16 PMPosted by Kytrana
At the risk of necroing a thread, I just wanted to say thank you for all the friendly and informative replies. I did end up making a little baby warrior on Sisters on the Alliance side, but as I'm not particularly faction crazy I am interested in all the Horde suggestions and so will be trying something over there as well. Thanks!

Great to hear!

Definitely check out the AAMS Lounge I mentioned earlier. It's Saturdays at 9pm (SoE time) in Hardwrench Hideaway. The turnout there is usually good and you'll meet folks from SoE, CC, and BWR.

As for guilds I'm unfortunately not too familiar with all the SoE guild options since they mostly keep to themselves. I know the Bloodhoof Brigands are active and they sometimes attend RP events. I also think the Ghostfang Brotherhood is still around.

Anyway, I hope to see you in game!

There is also Hand of the Sun, Defenders of Mulgore, My small Horde guild Shrouded Sentries (Focused on the Alliance side first, but slowly working up the Horde one XD), Broken House, and some others out there. But yeah, sure there are others out there, but they keep to themselves.

Isn't that right, Kwanto?
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36 Tauren Shaman
isn't that right, Kwanto?


(*Totally needs to level this character more*)
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