Hello everyone.
I was originally on Sisters way back in Wrath and through Cataclysm on my original account, and I still have a couple of characters here. I ended up transferring to Moon Guard and I love the random walk up RP and the fact that pretty much anyone I click on has an MRP or other roleplaying profile. That's all great.
I don't even mind the ERPers, etc. They tend to quietly stick to themselves, and I don't make it my business what people do in private.
It's the toxicity of Trade chat. I don't even mean Elwynn Forest with its deserved reputation, but the citiy chat (not just Trade, which I have silenced) has gotten to the point I can't stand it anymore. Last night while waiting for random queues to pop I literally flew to Searing Gorge because I couldn't handle any more homophobia, racism, overt sexual talk (again this is in /1 General chat,) fat shaming, and good Goddess the sexism. I'm a woman IRL--my husband and I played together here on this server when we were first dating, in fact. I'm tired of feeling entirely unwelcome every time I glance down at the chat box.
Yes, I know the easy answer is to just block all chat channels. That would fix the toxicity but, well, I believe MMOs are meant to be played as social games. We're meant to chat and talk to each other, to do things with each other. I'm that girl, the one who says hi and tries to engage the other party members in a random queue or chats in LFR (and is either solidly ignored or told to "shut my !@#$% mouth.")
That was a long explanation, but here comes my question. I liked the people in my circle back when I played on Sisters, and even though RP seemed dead I could at least expect to be talked to like a human being. Oh I know every server has trolls but this one always seemed much more pleasant than the Normal or PVP servers I played on.
What is the community like these days? Is it just as toxic in Stormwing/Orgrimmar as here on Moon Guard? I know you guys get CRZed with us, so you get all the Elwynn Forest trolls with none of the active RP, and for that I'm sorry. I know you guys are supposed to get linked with Cenarion Circle and I would guess that is going to give a shot in the arm to your RP, so I'm not really asking about that (though any insights you'd care to give I'd love to hear.)
Thank you for the time you took to read this and have a good day.
I was originally on Sisters way back in Wrath and through Cataclysm on my original account, and I still have a couple of characters here. I ended up transferring to Moon Guard and I love the random walk up RP and the fact that pretty much anyone I click on has an MRP or other roleplaying profile. That's all great.
I don't even mind the ERPers, etc. They tend to quietly stick to themselves, and I don't make it my business what people do in private.
It's the toxicity of Trade chat. I don't even mean Elwynn Forest with its deserved reputation, but the citiy chat (not just Trade, which I have silenced) has gotten to the point I can't stand it anymore. Last night while waiting for random queues to pop I literally flew to Searing Gorge because I couldn't handle any more homophobia, racism, overt sexual talk (again this is in /1 General chat,) fat shaming, and good Goddess the sexism. I'm a woman IRL--my husband and I played together here on this server when we were first dating, in fact. I'm tired of feeling entirely unwelcome every time I glance down at the chat box.
Yes, I know the easy answer is to just block all chat channels. That would fix the toxicity but, well, I believe MMOs are meant to be played as social games. We're meant to chat and talk to each other, to do things with each other. I'm that girl, the one who says hi and tries to engage the other party members in a random queue or chats in LFR (and is either solidly ignored or told to "shut my !@#$% mouth.")
That was a long explanation, but here comes my question. I liked the people in my circle back when I played on Sisters, and even though RP seemed dead I could at least expect to be talked to like a human being. Oh I know every server has trolls but this one always seemed much more pleasant than the Normal or PVP servers I played on.
What is the community like these days? Is it just as toxic in Stormwing/Orgrimmar as here on Moon Guard? I know you guys get CRZed with us, so you get all the Elwynn Forest trolls with none of the active RP, and for that I'm sorry. I know you guys are supposed to get linked with Cenarion Circle and I would guess that is going to give a shot in the arm to your RP, so I'm not really asking about that (though any insights you'd care to give I'd love to hear.)
Thank you for the time you took to read this and have a good day.