Field Trip in Seven Stars

100 Draenei Hunter
Well, our field trip to Shrine of the Seven Stars was mostly enjoyable. We had intended on having a shared meal with some of the inhabitants. However, the guards apparently do not allow food in the common areas.

We found that most of the people weren't very welcoming at all. In fact NONE of them would even talk to us! Except for the kind Ethereal's there who offered to upgrade our armor. A pleasant surprise.

Yet, when we decided it was time to leave, to our dismay none of the portals were functioning properly. You really should have those looked at.

All in all, we thank you for your hospitality and fun. Especially Faay. Why So Serious? /giggle

Thanks for the Fun!
Edited by Aijana on 5/21/2014 9:21 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Paladin
It could have been so much fun too but I think i want my 5 min back worst battle ground ever!
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