*Twiddles Thumbs*

...while waiting on the download to finish, then another 1.5 hours to play the new stuff.


Whatcha doin?
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Waiting for my friend's friend to drive to my friend's house, then to mine, then to Gamestop, then back to mine, and then I don't care because then I'll be installing, buying Azeroth flying, go up into the air, and fall to my death, then go to bed.
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For the install it sat at the "Installing: Uninstall..." and sat there for 10 min. After that it finished instantly and when to the launch screen to begin the download bar. Still have 200 mb to go, then have to wait. I was told servers (I assume the zones) won't be active until 12am pst, but the rest is playable like normal.
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The Play button is open to push even though it is still downloading. I just like to make sure it's done, before hitting it.

I'm paranoid I guess heh. My old computer would tell me lies while downloading and things got broken, words were said, feelings hurt etc.

Newer super computer and I still use caution heh.
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