[H] Demo lock looking for a guild

This almost feels like a personal add, but I'm tired of being guildless! With the release of Cataclysm, I feel like I'm missing out on a lot by keeping this character in a bank alt guild, so I'm taking the proverbial plunge and proactively seeking out a guild.

I adore battlegrounds, have no interest in RP, and though I have raided in Lich King, my experience is limited. I've raided Naxx 10 and 25, been into Ulduar, and scratched the surface of ICC on other characters. This character hit 80 last week and is my first straight DPS character, so I feel like I'm still learning the ins and outs of melting faces as a warlock.

I'm not afraid of research; a demo lock thread on Elitist Jerks has been open in a browser tab for a week, I use Rawr, and know how to watch fight videos on Tank Spot before a raid. Mostly, I'm looking for a casual guild that does take raids seriously and can accept me being nervous until I get comfortable in a raid. I'm an hour ahead of server time, so a group that hopes to raid in the early evenings would be a huge plus.

I also have a Shadow Priest currently at 80, but may not get around to playing her for a few more weeks.

My boyfriend quit playing over the summer and he was usually tasked with finding us groups, so this is really difficult for me! Any guilds out there willing to take an orphan?
Edited by Lif on 12/9/2010 6:31 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
If you haven't found a home yet, get with me in-game.
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90 Tauren Druid
<CSI Undercity> might also be a good place for you.

We are a semi-casual raiding and social guild. We take the raiding seriously, but don't treat it like a job. Since Cataclysm dropped we've had no less than 15-20 people online at any given time.

We're pretty much a place for level-headed, mature folks who'd like a place to call home, who would also like the opportunity to make some raiding progress.

More info:

Bug me in-game (On Surehoof, Finnicks, or Truehorn) if you've got any questions!

Surehoof Mistrunner
Assistant Director of <CSI Undercity>
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