RP Community resource list.

This thread is intended to be used as a resource list for everyone in the RP community of Sisters of Elune.

Because I'm not sure what is and isn't active currently in the RP community, I didn't include everything from the original resource list. However, I'm more than happy to add more upon request from members of the RP community. (Please note: Uncivil requests will be met with silence.)

RP Community channel(s)

-RP community channels differ in their intended uses. Some are used for certain events, others for the community to relax in, and others for different reasons.

RPchatter - Alliance & Horde
- The main SoE RP community ooc channel for both factions.

RP Community website(s)

-The main RP community website outside of the official forums.


Wowpedia page: http://www.wowpedia.org/Server:Sisters_of_Elune
- (Currently outdated)

Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=96259376741
- Used by both the Non-RPers and RPers alike.


(Will add things as requested by members of the RP community)


(Will add things as requested by members of the RP community)

Once more members of the RP community; I'm more than happy to add more to the resource list upon your request. I only ask that it be related to the Sisters of Elune RP community.

(PS: Put in Sticky Requests for this thread folks! =D)
Edited by Tãmz on 6/20/2014 9:52 PM PDT
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Sticky Request Placed! ^_~
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06/21/2014 07:59 PMPosted by Sarrena
Sticky Request Placed! ^_~

Many thanks, you're aiding our RP community one sticky request at a time =D
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Woo! Sticky Pretty Plox? <3
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100 Goblin Warlock
Are you also looking for info on regular RP events for this thread or even external resources utilized by other realms CRZed with SoE?
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06/22/2014 10:40 PMPosted by Mormel
Are you also looking for info on regular RP events for this thread or even external resources utilized by other realms CRZed with SoE?

Sorry for the late reply, the weather has been most unfriendly the last two days where I live.

I would take regular RP events, but I think that sounds better for the "[RP] Regular Events" which Kalico operates. Mine is better used for things like locating open channels such as RPchatter, the Sisters of Elune facebook page, and things like that. However, I could see some external resources being handy to have. I know I planned to add stuff from Cenarion Circle in here, but It's been suggested to me by Cenarion Circle friends to hold off till the two servers are connected to each other. So I think overall it really depends on the resources in question.

I know there are a few things I would like to add to this, but right now I want to see if other people will suggest them first. Mainly because I want people to feel like they're contributing to our resource list :)

Any suggestions though, Mormel?
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70 Orc Warrior
(Sticky this thread Please)

My Character will pretty much always be in RP mode. The meaningful interactions I have in game will be worked into the story line thread I am creating here. Find me in game and whatever we do will be played out here to an extent. I will take no licenses regarding your toon and will only work in what YOU say and in the same context it is said in. Even when coming accross alliance members in a fight will be mentioned here, however since neither toon and really die in an RP sense, the winner of any battle will win by the cowardice or near death experiance by either winner mercy or some wierd circumstance that allows both parties to remain alive.

Also I am an Alliance raider first and foremost. That will also be RPed and I am VERY open to any groupings of any amount or level for such tasks. Alliance raids from small towns to Ironforge and all between.

Hopefully this will add some extra life, both in game and back at these forums.

I wont play much but will be on at night east coast from around 6pm to 10pm.
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100 Goblin Warlock
06/23/2014 04:29 PMPosted by Tãmz
06/22/2014 10:40 PMPosted by Mormel
Are you also looking for info on regular RP events for this thread or even external resources utilized by other realms CRZed with SoE?

Sorry for the late reply, the weather has been most unfriendly the last two days where I live.

I would take regular RP events, but I think that sounds better for the "[RP] Regular Events" which Kalico operates. Mine is better used for things like locating open channels such as RPchatter, the Sisters of Elune facebook page, and things like that. However, I could see some external resources being handy to have. I know I planned to add stuff from Cenarion Circle in here, but It's been suggested to me by Cenarion Circle friends to hold off till the two servers are connected to each other. So I think overall it really depends on the resources in question.

I know there are a few things I would like to add to this, but right now I want to see if other people will suggest them first. Mainly because I want people to feel like they're contributing to our resource list :)

Any suggestions though, Mormel?

I understand. Unfortunately most of the resources (OOC channels, external server website ect...) I am aware of belong to Cenarion Circle and, as you stated, it would be best to hold off on listing those until the connection is made (whenever that will be...). If I think of anything else I'll be sure to let you know.
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06/25/2014 09:07 AMPosted by Mormel
I understand. Unfortunately most of the resources (OOC channels, external server website ect...) I am aware of belong to Cenarion Circle and, as you stated, it would be best to hold off on listing those until the connection is made (whenever that will be...). If I think of anything else I'll be sure to let you know.

Alright, thank you very much Mormel :)

And yeah that full connection between the two servers couldn't happen fast enough. But once it does happen, I will be more than happy to add Cenarion Circle stuff. :)
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