The Ressurection of Dark Lord Ydur

70 Orc Warrior
“How much time has past since I have been here” wondered Gul’Dan.

In this place, time has no baring, no hold and no meaning. He sat cross legged in his spectral form and contemplated all his success, all his failures and all that should have been. As he drifted in and out of his thoughts, he would often gaze at his surroundings. Not that he hasn’t been here for thousands of years, maybe a decade, or maybe he has only been here mere hours. In a place that holds no value for time and it seems no reason for spatial recognition, he stared in deep thought. Looking over the spectral pillars that surrounded him, white yet not solid in visual appearance, the cold looking black marble floor he sat on; solid yet always seeming to shift slightly if stared at too long.

He contemplated his death, his life and what should have been. The sky, ever black, ever devoid of stars or sources of light; only spectral torches attached to each of the dozen or so pillars gave off enough light to see his surroundings but not enough to see past anything else. He had tried multiple times to leave his spectral prison; which proved futile, fore as soon as he would try and walk past the pillars all would be blackness. He dared never leave the only light of a place that most assuredly would swallow him up into the darkness should he make it past the pillars. He had tried several years ago, or was it minutes ago; to leave the pillars and move past his own fears only to be left in complete blackness immediately; he remembered the panic stricken fear he felt in the utter darkness and the mad scramble he had to make to return to the light of his spectral prison. Or at least he assumed it was a prison. It did manage to keep him there, of anything else about the place he now resided he was uncertain.

There had been no contact by demons, gods or spectral jailers since his arrival, but he did understand that he was being detained; for what purpose and when, he could never be sure. He hated his existence, or at least he thought he hated his existence; it seemed that even his emotions were kept in check by the spectral white pillars.
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70 Orc Warrior
More days past, or had it been seconds? He really hated this place that became his jail, or was it his sanctuary? For what felt like the thousandth attempt he reached out with his mind, his soul, his everything to make contact with anything; and as if the pillars were finally receptive to his external wishes he felt a presence. Oh joy, glorious rapture, he felt something; and as soon as he attained this feeling of connection he recoiled in revulsion. What he made contact with was familiar to him, all too familiar to him, his one time puppet, his reviled creation, the Dark Lord Ydur of the former Stormreaver Clan. How and why he was able to make contact did not matter, all he knew was that THIS contact would serve no good for his purposes and could only make matters worse.

Ydur had once been a promising warrior in service to Gul’Dan and was selected as part of his personal attaché and had served in that capacity well. Eventually sent out by Gul’Dan on his own during the excursion to the Isle of Sargeras, he was given specific instruction to cause as much blood shed as possible in order to make way for Gul’Dans assension to Godhood. Ydur had failed in this regard, however even after Gul’Dan’s death at the hands of insane demons (as if demons could ever not be considered insane), he continued on his path of destruction and death on his own behest. The atrocities commited by Ydur during this time sickened his clan and eventually culmulated in an assassination by those closest to the self proclaimed Dark Lord. His crimes against life included but were not limited to murder, *%%@#!*@, attempted genocide of gnomes, *%%@#!*@ of gnomes, killing of his own kind, treason, torture (for no other reason than love of torture), !@#$%^-*!ia and so many other tasks he called “pleasures”. There was a time that Gul’Dan himself may have even instructed such actions to take place, but the key difference in Gul’Dan’s mind between him and this being was Gul’Dan always did such things in the pursuit of power, however this being seemed to thrive on the actions themselves with no regard to gain or goal. Nothing can be gained from association with such a being, even demons want power, by contrast Ydur seemed to want nothing obtainable and thus could never be controlled.

Then it came to him, as if blinded by the simplicity Gul’Dan fell over and had to reclaim his composure, he tried hard to hold onto the loose and dwindling connection he made with the soul of the one he was once tied to. “There is hope” he thought to himself, but only if he was prudent enough to act on his instinct immediately. Gul’Dan thrust every fiber of his being into his connection with Ydur, every ounce of strength, every want, dream, hope and hatred he could muster and flung it out into the void in the hopes that it would find its mark. Then Gul’Dan collapsed hoping his task was accomplished.
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70 Orc Warrior
Awake! Ydur’s thoughts focused on this one fact, he was AWAKE! “How long have I slept?” he wondered. For a moment he thought he was blind. He knew his eyes were open but he could not see through them and the horror of going on as a blind orc horrified him. “I would rather be dead” No. This was not blindness, there is a faint light. To his relief he realized that the place he was in was devoid of light but there was a source close by so as to not be complete darkness. He was on his back and every muscle hurt as if they were on fire, even his bones hurt.

Slowly he sat up and let his eyes ajust to the dim light, the scene that was before him was complete carnage. Bodies were strewn about the cave in the most hap hazard manner as if a great calamity had befallen all those inside. He had no memory of where he was or what had happened. He rose ever so gingerly and moved through the pain that was wrecking its way throughout him. Upon closer examination pieces of recollection seeped into his mind as if brought forth from the most primordial part of himself. The bodies were of all the races that represented the Horde, goblins, tuaren,pieces of what he assumed were once the undead,orcs and trolls. He found his trusty axe and shield and made his way towards the light at the entrance of the cave. Looking down it all came back to him with clarity, two bodies near the entrance of the cave were the most familiar to him; Marribarn the Tuaren Hunter and Jczombie the undead Warlock lay as burnt corpses at his feat.

He recalled his last failed attempt at causing war among his fellow clans that would eventually lead to full scale war against the alliance. The plan had been to assassinate Warchief Thrall with a Goblin made bomb made out of all Gnomish materials. The assassination would be a catalyst for his clan to claim dominance and knowing this would not be accepted a power struggle would ensue, when it was finally discovered that Gnomes were responsible for Thralls death those energies would be directed at the common enemy, the foul Alliance. However upon completion of the device Dark Lord Ydur was betrayed by those closest to him and stabbed in the back “literally” stabbed multiple times in the back and then his front and left for dead. “Never send another to do an Orcs job” he thought, for as he lay there near deaths door, he activated the device and within moments the entire cave was engulfed in flames, and apparently those who planned his death had not made it out alive themselves. This gave him some satisfaction but the memory now left him confused. All the bodies were in clear stats of old decay and yet here he stood at the entrance of his one time hideout and the bodies of his frenemies (friend enemies HA) lay dead and all about. He slowly allowed his eyes to ajust to the light outside before completely exiting the cave. A sea breeze greeted him from the most southern coast of Kalimdor and he enhaled the salty air fully. “No matter the circumstances, I accept this strange gift” he thought.

He stepped forward onto the blazing sands. “There is much work to be done”.
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70 Orc Warrior
(lol my crimes are so heinous that they get edited out by @$#%@) Muahahahahahaha
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100 Worgen Priest
((Well this is a blast from the past!))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
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70 Orc Warrior
(I figured my RP services were required in these dark times of dying servers and the RP community. I havent logged in the game yet but I will in the next day or two, I wasnt planning on "leading" any group at this time but I am open to joining a guild that does RP, Some end Game raiding and likes alliance raiding if you guys know of one. Other then that if it doesnt exist I will go it alone. I will keep up this thread and RP in people I come across in game,,,so if you want to be part of this story line,,just interact with me in game and we might get some stuff going.)
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100 Worgen Priest
06/25/2014 03:33 AMPosted by Ydur

Holy frick it really is you.

I remember you bringing PvP into Stormwind, though I was usually on the character that would cheer on a Horde attack (I do remember coming across you one time in the tram on my warlock and I panicked, lol).

I don't really play on this server anymore, just come back occasionally to check the forums. I'm glad to see you back, and I hope you and the family have been doing okay!))
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70 Orc Warrior
((I didnt ride the tram much and I think I remember the interaction and talking about it later here. I didnt know my use of ,,,, was still unique, Im glad to have replasured you with that experiance, its interesting to know that that is my qualifing mark of identity. I do hope you reconsider rejoining the server (horde side hopfully) in order to partake in at least the RP side. I will be working people into the story line here in the forums. The main reason I came back is for creative outlet))
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70 Orc Warrior
The Dark Lord Ydur made it no more then 5 paces through the scorching sand when he realized that his destination was unsure. All those he had once known were now either long dead or scattered to places he could not imagine. He decided to go on a fact-finding mission to ascertain some basic information about how the world had become. His first stop was the Ungoro Crater. He deliberately choose this spot since he had always felt at home there and coincidently it was a short trip strait north of his location. He mounted up on his riding turtle “Boxy the Dumb” and left the cave of corpses behind.

Upon arriving at Ungoro Crater he realized the place seemed more savage then it had in the past. True there were always large lizards roaming about, ready to tear apart the uninitiated traveler, but it seemed that the old growth of the dense jungle, the massive amounts of untamed beasts roaming freely and the general lack of any signs of regular foot traffic; allowed the place to grow even more untamed then it had been previously. He approached the Horde camp with caution, while years may have passed since he and his clan tried for all out war and destruction in the name of Gul’Dan, he could never be certain if he would be recognized and put to death or worse, taken prisoner and left to rot in a cage.

As he was mulling over his best approach to the camp, a large white lizard of immense power and speed had quickly set upon him, intent on making a quick lunch of the Dark Lord. However, unfortunately for this lizard, the Dark Lord was much quicker and had the reflexes of a seasoned combat veteran with the instincts to boot. Deftly Ydur rolled aside and glimpsed the large maw of the beast clamp down a few feet from where he now laid. Upon his back, looking up, he witnessed the beast come in for another strike, once more Ydur rolled aside but this time swung his trusty axe across his egress in order to catch at least part of the beasts head. The move succeeded in making contact as a reassuring “CraKE’ could be heard while Ydur rolled. Ydur rolled unto his feet and witnessed the beast recoil its massive head that was lined with row after row of dagger like teeth; well there was now a large spot of what should have been teeth from which blood now squirted freely from.

The blow knocked all sense from the beast and he came at Ydur with his primal fury but with no seeming tactic in mind for obtaining his meal. The beast lunged headfirst and then all went black. To quick for the thing to register the movement, the Dark Lord had embedded his axe into its skull with a mighty throw and with the ease and fluidity that would have made any hunter jealous, Ydur pulled out a gun and shot the monster through the opened mouth, making its brains blow out the back of its head, which dislodged the previously thrown axe that landed blade stuck into the ground at Ydur’s feet.

Ydur smiled to himself. “If only the ladies could have seen that one”
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70 Orc Warrior
Having just bested a large Lizard in single combat Ydur was feeling pretty good about himself. He figured it was now or never and decided to just walk into camp and see what would happen. To his surprise the one thing that did happen was the one thing that he did not expect to happen so quickly. A young Blood Elf came running towards him and as Ydur gripped his axe tight expecting to shed blood and shed it quickly; the Elf threw a tabard at The Dark Lord’s feet and while not stopping to explain with any detail, simply ran into the distance saying “You're In CHARGE NOW!” Ydur looked at the Tabard that lay at his feet and quickly realized it to have the marking of a Clan Leader inscribed into its weave.

As much as Ydur detested the cowardly action he just witnessed, having been the leader of more then one Clan, he respected the rank to much to allow the Tabard to lay in the mud. Picking it up he gave it a good look over. It was light blue in color and already this made Ydur’s stomach turn, “What self respecting member of the Horde would choose such limp wristed colors, such as the Alliance uses Zug?” He also noticed that the wording inscribed into the fabric was Property of “Altair of the Guild The Keep”. Ydur didn’t like anything about this Tabard. The color was terrible, its previous owner was a pure coward and to make matters worse it had the dumbest looking golden crown as the guilds logo. No matter how much he hated it, Ydur still flung it over his shoulder and continued into camp.

He gleamed nothing of interest from the local community as many seemed to have not left the crater since the time Ydur himself last walked the land and their information about the outside would was very limited. He did come across a few key points that he found very disturbing.

Thunderbluff was flooded by Deathwing. That news might have shocked many but Ydur was glad to hear Deathwing was around somewhere and doing his thing.

Bears that walk and talk have joined the Horde and on top of that, they fight like no other. Ydur did not know what to make of this news. “First talking walking cows, now talking walking bears; whats next, talking walking sheep?!” He dismissed this as probably a mistake grown out of legends the locals tell each other at night to pass the time. “Most likely the hunters have started to keep more pet bears then usual and something got lost in translation of that news to this place.” Satisfied he new this must be the case he dismissed the notion.

The final bit of news he gathered was in fact the piece that gave him some pause and needed much reflection. Warchief Thrall had stepped down willingly and Garrosh Hellscream became the Warchief, which initially made Ydur extremely satisfied to learn, however this quick joy was quickly removed by uncertainty as he learned the troll Vol’Jin was now the warchief after it was discovered that Garrosh was commiting crimes against all living beings for the purity of the Horde. After being brought from joy to dismay the Dark Lord was not prepared to be joyed once moe with the revalation the Garrosh Hellscream escaped his trail and was now in hiding.

The Dark Lord having no predetermined destination or plan in mind, now saw the some possibilities opened before him. While never content to follow another, even at times not content with Gul’Dans leadership, Ydur did think though that if he could find Garrosh he would join the cause and see where that path would take him.

Familiar with much of the Azeroth and Draenor, The Dark Lord set out to Northrend with the hope that he would come across more clues there.
Edited by Ydur on 6/29/2014 1:08 PM PDT
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70 Orc Warrior
((Last post was not my best work, Just trying to get up to speed Lore wise,,,and I do not know if Altair was a Blood elf, but he/she did invite me to guild, made me leader and then skipped out, even though I take no liberties with peoples toons or personal lore, when you do crappy things like that then you open yourself up to it, Currently I removed the guild from me by handing it to someone I know, so Im still unguilded and messing about in Northrend. Come be part of my RP in Northrend and you will see your name here. And yes this sever really needs a boost of fresh blood from a merger,,not a lot of bodies about)
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