I don't know how long SoE has been........

100 Draenei Hunter
Lacking in population, So far I was hoping CC and SoE would be merged long before now. CC had ok to marginal activity till just after the New Year, then poof, in just a week it turned to a ghost town and hasn't recovered.

I really hope it's still in the works for merge.
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100 Worgen Priest
SoE has been lacking for a very long time. In the past year that I've revisited some shelved toons here, I've yet to encounter another roleplayer.

Last I heard - and according to the handful of threads on the first page here - our server merger is completely off the table indefinitely.
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100 Goblin Warlock
The CC RP community is actually very active and open for a low pop realm so long as you know where to go. Unfortunately SoE is in a really bad state and our merger with CC, which should have happened months ago, has just been swept under the rug. Hopefully we will be merged but when that is going to happen is anyone's guess <_<

Anyway OP, if you are looking for RP I can recommend two spots. On Alliance characters you can check out the Conclave sermon on Wednesdays at 6pm in the gazebo behind the Stormwind Cathedral. For Horde the AAMS Lounge on Saturdays happens in Hardwrench Hideaway at 7pm. Hope this helps!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
It should merge with WRA... Heck, a lot of WRA members were original to SoE, it would make sense to bring together the mother - daughter realms so old friends can get back together.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
SoE for life! It's dead but I still and always have loved it here. From my times on alliance to times on horde. I tried bailing ship to WrA and CC but always found my way back after a very short stint off-server. Also, Hi Vandy!! ~ from Aeltank.

Also, to add to other events, The Broken House still hosts a weekly storytelling every Sunday evening at 7:00pm server in Thunder Bluff, right outside Baine Bloodhoofs hut. :D
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100 Worgen Priest
07/18/2014 12:08 PMPosted by Avanthiri
Also, Hi Vandy!! ~ from Aeltank.

omg hello! <3
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It's funny because whenever I'm questing or in the city, I always see people from Moon Guard or WRA. Every now and again, I'll see someone who's actually on SoE and it makes me happy. We may not be thriving, but there are a few of us still here. I, for one, still want to do what I can to help and will keep playing on SoE for the time being.
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100 Tauren Paladin
07/18/2014 03:05 PMPosted by Nuhwoti
It's funny because whenever I'm questing or in the city, I always see people from Moon Guard or WRA. Every now and again, I'll see someone who's actually on SoE and it makes me happy. We may not be thriving, but there are a few of us still here. I, for one, still want to do what I can to help and will keep playing on SoE for the time being.

I'm not sure 'funny' is the word I'd use fellow bull.
Though SOE is now asimulated by WRA/Moanguard that is when anyone that's xrealmed into it says anything. I don't know what kinds off incentives they can use to encourage people to take a look.
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/21/2014 07:55 AMPosted by Zorvig
I don't know what kinds off incentives they can use to encourage people to take a look.

I'd start with Blizz offering gold to people who actively play on the server. Maybe throw in a server unique pet that is a mini Nelf priestess?
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