[H-RP] Wedding Bells in Bilgewater

100 Goblin Warlock
“Nyah! Perfect!”

Mormel leaned back in the metal chair as a smug smirk spread across her face. She had just finished making a drawing to go along with the wedding invitation. While to others this sketch would appear as nothing more than two goblin shaped stick figures holding hands, in Mormel’s eyes she saw the perfect representation of herself and Rhazin.

“Ha! An’ Rhazin wanted ta be the one ta do the drawin’.”

Sure, Rhazin has that hidden artistic side to him but Mormel had insisted that she should handle everything about the invitations. Not only is Rhazin a guy and liable to mess a delicate matter like this up but Mormel got the feeling he did not appreciate her own drawings. Otherwise why would he have been so adamant about doing his own? Regardless, once he saw her sketch there would be no way to deny her superior artistic prowess.

With a sigh of relief Mormel sat the drawing aside and skimmed the invitation she had written up one more time.

Wedding Bells in Bilgewater!

Come ya one an’ all ta the most amazing’ weddin’ ever! Mormel, the reignin’ beauty queen of Azeroth, an’ Rhazin, a stud among studs, are scheduled ta be married on Sunday August 10th at 5pm (pacific time) in the bank of Bilgewater Harbor. Reception will be held afterward at the Pleasure Palace… unless it’s too busy an’ will, instead, be held outside at the Bilgewater food court.

There will be cake! There will be flowers! There will be a magic show! There might even be fun sized taurens! So ya should totally come an’ bring your friends… an’ some ‘xpensive weddin’ gifts!

With a satisfied nod Mormel sat the letter down and gazed through the open doorway of her new home at the gently rolling sea of eastern Tanaris. The letter was perfect. The drawing was perfect. The place of the wedding was perfect. Everything about her big day seemed to be coming together quite nicely despite how unexpected it had all been.

Then again a lot of things had happened in Mormel’s life that she had not envisioned occurring. Forming the Boutique and Bar, her side work for the Kor’kron, Bragdus’ betrayal, leaving Orgrimmar and moving into a place haunted by a gnome… heck, even the destruction of Kezan. The scared little girl of shunned demonic cultists had certainly been through a lot. Mormel wondered for a brief moment if her parents would at all be proud of her but quickly dismissed that question upon remembering just how crazy they were.

As Mormel reminisced about all the events of her life she subconsciously caused her hand to move towards her belly. While there were still no visible signs she nonetheless could feel the small life growing inside of her. It was strange really. When Mormel had fled Kezan she was convinced that she would marry a big, beefy orc or a tall, lithe elf. Instead, she ended up with a fellow goblin and was going to be a mother. She was still scared and unsure of herself. However, Mormel had no choice but to cope the best she could. There were other people she cared about in her life now.

“An’ I’ll try ta be a better mother an’ wife than my mom ever was.”
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100 Goblin Warlock
[Tomorrow is the day! Remember that 5pm Pacific time will be 7pm SoE time.]
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100 Goblin Warlock
Mormel heaved a sigh of relief as she finished packing. Rhazin would be back from the store any moment now so he could whisk her away to some marvelous destination for their honeymoon. She still was not precisely sure where this place would be but hopefully it was suitably romantic.

With a loud creak Mormel stretched her arms before fixing her gaze upon the poster hanging on the wall of her home. It was the smexy Sword of Oarwind poster she had recently received from Kezzy. Oddly looking upon it made Mormel think about the events of her wedding the previous evening. While the attendance had been small she nonetheless enjoyed the company of those who came. It was especially good to see Ben and Gezzy once more.

Mormel hastily dug through one of her bags before withdrawing a leather bound photo album. She skimmed its contents, pausing occasionally to stare at a photo of one of her friends. Most of them turned out well and Mormel was glad she had bought that new, non-gnomish engineered camera specifically for the event. It allowed her to capture a lot of great memories she would be able to cherish for years to come.

[A big thanks again for those that were able to come yesterday! :D The photo album is up at cc.org and here is the link:]

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90 Pandaren Hunter
Yumao, saddened to hear that she'd been away during so momentous an event, spends a few minutes at a mail box, putting together some recent purchases in a small but ornate container. She taps a blank jade seal with a claw to ensure its soundness and wraps a white scarf around it. Ensuring it's settled safely within the trunk, she places several small wheels of yak cheese around it, and a container of tea on top. She places another white scarf over this and takes out a ink brush and scroll. She bites her lip, as composing letters has never been easy to her.

"Congratulations, Mormel and Rhazhin!
Best wishes for a beautiful and blessed life together! You two are so cute together and make such a wonderful couple- you complement each other beautifully! My apologies for being gone during the big day. Please find enclosed some house-warming gifts, as well as a seal. One of my calligrapher friends in the Peak of Serenity has agreed to create a symbol of the combination of your house names and engrave it on the seal, so that you might find it useful in the future. I thought you might enjoy deciding upon a symbol and that it might be an agreeable journey, so I hope you don't mind that I'm leaving the actual engraving up to you both! Just ask for Sonam around the Peak and you'll find him! He'll be expecting 'the most adorable goblin couple- ever' (as I described you both to him)!

Warmest regards to you both!

She encloses the letter in the box and seals it and puts it carefully in the mail.

((So sorry I missed it! Thanks for posting the pictures!))
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90 Goblin Warlock
Mormel was elated to receive Yumao’s letter in the mail. She was not sure what exactly a calligrapher was but it certainly sounded fancy. More importantly though was this engraving gift Yumao had set up for them. It sounded fantastic and she began contemplating what sort of picture she wanted before ultimately deciding upon a shark eating a gnome. Hopefully Rhazin would be able to figure out where the Peaks of Serenity are.

Without wasting a minute Mormel hastily penned a reply.

To Yumao, the bestest Panda Lady!

Thank ya so much for the awesome gifts! Miss Softpaws adores rollin’ the cheese wheels ‘round the room an’ I’m sure Rhazin will like the coffee bags. Once we know where ta go we’ll pick up the picture of the gnome getting’ sharkinated. While it woulda been awesome if ya had attended the weddin’ we totally understand how busy ya were. Thanks again!

Mormel the Magnificent

((I'm glad you liked the pics Yumao and thanks for adding an IC reply to the thread :D ))
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