I'm looking for someone to do a Recruit-A-Friend with, If you're interested, we both would get 300% the XP so you'll level up 3 times faster! Plus, I'll get a two person mount I could tour your around on. I've found that the best way to start playing wow is with someone else to play with!

You can pick which faction and race we play, as I love pretty much all the races. The server that I want to play on however is Sisters of Elune, which is a roleplaying server, though that doesn't mean we have to roleplay, i've just found that roleplaying servers are alot more friendly (most of the time) and are more quiet then the normal servers.

Anyways if you want to be my Recruit-A-Friend buddy just send me a message with the email you're going to attach the account to, the race you want to play, and the faction.