Just curious as to if there are any guilds on SoE that raid normal SoO. I'm at a point where flex is no longer beneficial to me and I'd like to find a group that raids normal mode and possibly heroic. I'm more than familiar with all the fights and mechanics. I've asked several times in trade but can never seem to get a clear response. I know Blood Phoenix seems to have a decent number of well geared players who apparently raid normal/heroic on a regular basis, but that seems to be the only guild. From what I can tell they like to keep their circle small and private. I can respect that. Just hoping there might be another guild or group out there that likes to raid and moreso likes to raid with people who know what they're doing. Anyone know of any?
Any raiding guilds?
Short answer is: probably.
Long and cynical answer is SoE has seen many of the progression guildess leeve. This is for many legitimate reasons. Among those having a Pico-Scaled population at this point. Making it a exceedingly large pain in the tukus to get any sort of guild rolling much less a raiding guild.
Long and cynical answer is SoE has seen many of the progression guildess leeve. This is for many legitimate reasons. Among those having a Pico-Scaled population at this point. Making it a exceedingly large pain in the tukus to get any sort of guild rolling much less a raiding guild.
Alliance side you have Blood Phoenix and Council of Dragons, however I believe that Blood Phoenix is the only Alliance heroic guild that is active.
Horde side is Together We Are Terrific as the only heroic guild I know of.
Best place to see a list is http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/sisters-of-elune
Horde side is Together We Are Terrific as the only heroic guild I know of.
Best place to see a list is http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/sisters-of-elune
Edited by Casetu on 7/29/2014 3:39 PM PDT
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