<Lêgion> - Cenarion Circle

100 Human Priest
Let me begin by saying, from the bottom of my heart, I love Cenarion Circle. That goes for everyone, Horde and Ally side. Soon, we're going to be merged with this fine realm, Sisters of Elune, and this is a call to all, for Roleplayers and Raiders alike.

There are dozens and dozens of guilds here on CC, each with their own unique flavors and personalities. Lêgion is one such guild.

The feeling that we try to convey and preserve here in Lêgion is one of comradery, community, and a love for the game and the interactions therein.

Now, first and foremost, Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune are Roleplaying realms. While we have a large playerbase concerned mostly with the PvE aspects of the game, you'll find an unwavering respect of the Roleplaying community at large here at home, and the same respect will be payed to our new neighbors here on SoE. Furthermore, we recognize that these -are- Roleplaying realms, and the elitist, exclusive attitude that tends to come with raiding and some more organized forms of PvP is firmly unwelcome within our ranks. We began as a "Casual Progression" project, and it could not have been more fun, while still satisfying our desire to experience content. As of now, SoO 14/14 10N, 10/14 25N, 6/14 10H., our raid times/days are (CC realm time) 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm, Mon, Tue, Wed.

We'd love to continue to help players enjoy and experience more of what Blizzard has laid out for us.
If you'd like to learn more about our guild and how to become a part of it, please don't hesitate to ask in-game, via mail to Morefeen-Cenarion Circle, or asking me about it personally, Morefeen#1842 (Please include some text with the battle-tag requests :) ).

Nice to meet you in advance! Happy hunting!
Edited by Morefeen on 8/9/2014 10:55 AM PDT
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I play Horde on Sisters of Elune, and I already have a guild home, but I just want to welcome everyone from Cenarion Circle and also to compliment you, Morefeen, on an elegant and well-written post. I really hope the connection happens this time (!) and I'm looking forward to a better quality of life for both of our realms.

Be well, and I hope we meet some day in battle, or over a pint. :)
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100 Human Priest
I feel welcomed indeed sir, I truly appreciate the compliment, I try to do my best. Cheers! You'll find me obsessing over Tol Barad no doubt.
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100 Human Priest
So excited for the merger! Can't wait to meet you guys!! I didn't make mention of it, but I think it's important to note that we are an Alliance guild, and we unfortunately do not have a sister-guild representing us on Horde-side at this time.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
It's worth noting, for those who may look into hanging with us CCers, as friends (or even guildmates!), that your pants aren't safe.

Some silly worgen keeps stealing them.

I have no idea who he is, but you should watch out for him.

Looking forward to the merger!
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