Well see---

100 Orc Death Knight
Having a few toons on SOE I noticed it's back on the likely list for Cenarian Circle. We'll see how that goes. Personally I don't understand why there's any particular reason to not convert the WOW into a cloud confiruration such that it acts like one big realm, even if sections of it are local to distrobute rendering loads across all servers.
I'm also perplexed why they wouldn't flag all the AHs to be cross realm and Cross server as well. I say this because other games do that, and there ecnomies are thriving.
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100 Orc Death Knight
Also is there any particular reason to-not create a Virtual Realm containing all the RP as well as well as all theRP/PVP realms, such that all the RP and all the PVP/RP realms are in one massive cloude configured realm?
Or better yet turn wow into a massive cloud such that all the servers work together seamlessly?
Edited by Cedartusk on 8/11/2014 7:12 AM PDT
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100 Worgen Druid
Unless something happens, the connection is happening on the 21st.
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