[A/RP] Harbor Market: May 31 8 - 10 p.m.

63 Gnome Death Knight
It's back!

Veterans may remember the Harbor Market. After some time on hiatus, it's Harbor Market week again! Gather your coin and wares and come to the Redridge docks in Lakeshire to trade and mingle. If you've been to a market before, the format is much the same, but here's a rundown for newcomers:

  • When: Sunday 8 - 10 p.m. server time
  • Where: Karabor Harbor, Shadowmoon Valley
  • Contact: Arialynn (on Toddles), Kelaani, Kino, Jaffar

Q: What is the Harbor Market?
The Harbor Market is an Alliance-side merchant's market that began June 27, 2010. It's an open-air market where roleplayers can mingle, buy/sell craftable or GHI items, entertain, or recruit for their guild. On special occasions, the market also includes a raffle, and fireworks shows and parades.

Q: How do I get involved?
Here's how:

Managers: Market Managers are characters with the <Council of Merchants> guild tag and they support vendors and shoppers by getting them what they need or helping them get where they need to go. If you need a helping hand at the market, flag one of them down.

Vendors: Vendors set up booths at each market to sell items, ranging from in-game mats, craftables, food/drink, guild recruitment, or GHI items. Vendors are encouraged to be as creative as they wish. Vendors can also sell their wares for gold.

Shoppers: A shopper comes to meet roleplayers, buy items at the market, and participate in the raffles and contests. All are invited and are encouraged to help along the in-game roleplay economy.

Vendors receive spots on a first-come, first-serve basis and can come and go as they wish.

Q: What does a Harbor Market look like?
Here are some screenshots. Note that these are from the Stormwind market days, the new location is in Redridge.

Here are folks gathered for the end-of-night market raffle: http://bit.ly/YCFrvz

And here's an aerial shot for the second anniversary celebration: http://bit.ly/11Xx8bO

Q: I'm not from Earthen Ring, but can I get involved?
Yes! Roleplayers from other realms are invited to join us through cross-realm zones. Just note that you won't be able to trade with players from another realm, but the market is more than just buying and selling -- it's mingling, too.

Q: I have another question.
No problem, just sound it off here and it will be answered. This thread will be updated regularly.
Edited by Toddles on 5/27/2015 8:18 PM PDT
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63 Gnome Death Knight

Market is tomorrow in Redridge at 8 p.m. EST!
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63 Gnome Death Knight
The Harbor Market was a great success and will return bi-weekly just like the old days. See you all again on September 7th!
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63 Gnome Death Knight
Words can't express just how awesome tonight's market went. We had a lot of folks from Earthen Ring, but also people from Kirin Tor and Moon Guard as well. Thanks for stopping by and lighting up Lakeshire. It was a grand sight to see.

As always, the market will be back in two weeks on the 21st! See you then!
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63 Gnome Death Knight
Get ready! The Harbor Market is this Sunday from 8 - 10 p.m. server time! To celebrate Brewfest, come dressed in your Brewfest best. The best dressed will get the grand prize: a kiss! ...not gonna say who!

See you there!
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63 Gnome Death Knight
It's a Harbor Market week and the Alliance is at war! The Harbor Market rallies at Lakeshire this Sunday at 8 p.m. with patriotic colors, war bonds, and funds to support troops and left-behind families. Support the Alliance and show no fear in the face of the Iron Tide -- show your patriotism and military might!

Alliance pride and fireworks will decorate the Harbor Market this week. Rally your guilds and friends and show your IC/OOC pride!
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63 Gnome Death Knight
Thank you all for the most amazing and excellent evening at the Harbor Market! It was a wonderful turnout -- not to mention Commander Alliance saved the market from two chopper-riding orcs and the fireworks show didn't destroy the bridge!

All this goes to show that the Alliance shall prevail in the face of the terrible Iron Horde. For the Alliance!

((OOC: Also, did anyone catch good screenshots of the fireworks show? Toddles was standing in a bad place for good screenshots. Thanks! <3))
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63 Gnome Death Knight

The Harbor Market returns after a brief WoD launch hiatus! Come to Lakeshire from 8 - 10 p.m. server time this Sunday and celebrate Winter's Veil with us!

Reindeer are allowed but bears aren't, because Father Winter doesn't like bears! (He told me so.)
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63 Gnome Death Knight
/bumpity! The Harbor Market is this Sunday in Karabor Harbor, Shadowmoon! Summons will be provided.
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63 Gnome Death Knight
/bump tonight! Bears beware, the market is visiting Draenor!
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63 Gnome Death Knight
It's a Harbor Market week! Heads up that it's happening this Sunday from 8 - 10 p.m. in Karabor Harbor!
Edited by Toddles on 3/17/2015 7:42 PM PDT
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63 Gnome Death Knight
/bump It's a Harbor Market week! This Sunday, April 19 from 8 - 10 p.m. in Karabor Harbor!
Edited by Toddles on 4/15/2015 4:47 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Mage
You... Might want to check your dates.

April 16th is this Thursday.
This coming Sunday is April 19th.
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63 Gnome Death Knight
04/14/2015 11:13 PMPosted by Arnaud
You... Might want to check your dates.

April 16th is this Thursday.
This coming Sunday is April 19th.

Whoops, thank you! Updated OP and the post. Goodness, I need new goggles.
Edited by Toddles on 4/15/2015 4:47 PM PDT
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63 Gnome Death Knight
Yay! The Harbor Market is this Sun. @ 8 PM and it's Children's Week! Any unattended orphan will be given a Corehound puppy.
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63 Gnome Death Knight
Oh, my! This post wandered to the second page!? This cannot be! /bump

It's a Harbor Market week, all! We'll see you and our CRZ comrades in Lakeshire this Sunday from 8 - 10 p.m.! No bears allowed.
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