LF New RPer Friendly Guild

90 Dwarf Shaman
Hello Folks of SoE and CC,

I am returning to the game after a reasonable break (I completely MoP single player, but did very little end-game), and I have decided I want to give RP a try as many moons ago I played on a RP Everquest server and enjoyed it.

My role playing experience is quite limited, but I am a fairly big lore nut, and even a Loremaster. I also consider myself relatively creative, so hopefully I will be a reasonable role player!

I would love to do a bit of end game content, but to be honest I am fairly casual, so I am not really looking for raid commitments or anything like that.

Just looking for a friendly casual guild that is accepting of new role players, and active enough in the role play space that I can get the experience and have some fun.

I have transferred two of my characters across, a level 90 shaman who I have a fair amount of resto experience on (though once again, not much MoP end game), and a level 90 paladin who I used my WoD boost to take from 85 to 90, so am a bit shakier on, if I am honest (I levelled to 85 as a tank).

I am currently on alliance, but I would be willing to xfer to horde for the right guild.

I am a "mature" player, in my early 30s. Been playing WoW since just before BC launched, and Everquest (and a bit of EQ2) before that (back to the grand old year of 1999). I am an Australian, so my play times are a bit of skilter, but on weekends and what not would line up.

I have some ideas for my RP character(s), but am not familiar with rules and conventions, so am open to guidance!

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100 Gnome Priest
There's plenty of good guilds to look into Alliance side! Right now, I'm more familiar with with CC side of the realm divide.

If you've got odd hours, one of the best things you can do is log into the game, join the various OOC channels, and check to see which guilds are active during your playtime. For instance, the AAMS tends to be more active during what amounts to early server evening because we have fair amount of US East Coasters, while other guilds run later into the night. On Alliance, those channels right now are /AllianceOOC (CC) and /rpchatter (SoE) (SoE people feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

If you don't mind being part of a newer guild, I would recommend checking out the Ironforge Guard. The guild is based upon those who live and work in the Ironforge area, not just the guard, and the guildmaster is an experienced RPer who's been around a while. He's already picked up a few new people under his wing.


For other CC guilds, check out our guild and event directory.


As for character creation, if you're new to RP on Warcraft, my personal advice is not going into overly detailed back stories and elaborate histories. When you're just starting out, concentrate on making a character you enjoy roleplaying as. As a Loremaster, I'll trust that you're at familiar with Warcraft's general history already. If you like writing back stories, go ahead and do so! but don't worry about it otherwise. Very few people are going to expect a detailed autobiography before they'll interact with you.

Good luck guild hunting!
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90 Dwarf Shaman
Thank you very much for the response.

I will look in to your suggestions this evening.
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