Hello Folks of SoE and CC,
I am returning to the game after a reasonable break (I completely MoP single player, but did very little end-game), and I have decided I want to give RP a try as many moons ago I played on a RP Everquest server and enjoyed it.
My role playing experience is quite limited, but I am a fairly big lore nut, and even a Loremaster. I also consider myself relatively creative, so hopefully I will be a reasonable role player!
I would love to do a bit of end game content, but to be honest I am fairly casual, so I am not really looking for raid commitments or anything like that.
Just looking for a friendly casual guild that is accepting of new role players, and active enough in the role play space that I can get the experience and have some fun.
I have transferred two of my characters across, a level 90 shaman who I have a fair amount of resto experience on (though once again, not much MoP end game), and a level 90 paladin who I used my WoD boost to take from 85 to 90, so am a bit shakier on, if I am honest (I levelled to 85 as a tank).
I am currently on alliance, but I would be willing to xfer to horde for the right guild.
I am a "mature" player, in my early 30s. Been playing WoW since just before BC launched, and Everquest (and a bit of EQ2) before that (back to the grand old year of 1999). I am an Australian, so my play times are a bit of skilter, but on weekends and what not would line up.
I have some ideas for my RP character(s), but am not familiar with rules and conventions, so am open to guidance!
I am returning to the game after a reasonable break (I completely MoP single player, but did very little end-game), and I have decided I want to give RP a try as many moons ago I played on a RP Everquest server and enjoyed it.
My role playing experience is quite limited, but I am a fairly big lore nut, and even a Loremaster. I also consider myself relatively creative, so hopefully I will be a reasonable role player!
I would love to do a bit of end game content, but to be honest I am fairly casual, so I am not really looking for raid commitments or anything like that.
Just looking for a friendly casual guild that is accepting of new role players, and active enough in the role play space that I can get the experience and have some fun.
I have transferred two of my characters across, a level 90 shaman who I have a fair amount of resto experience on (though once again, not much MoP end game), and a level 90 paladin who I used my WoD boost to take from 85 to 90, so am a bit shakier on, if I am honest (I levelled to 85 as a tank).
I am currently on alliance, but I would be willing to xfer to horde for the right guild.
I am a "mature" player, in my early 30s. Been playing WoW since just before BC launched, and Everquest (and a bit of EQ2) before that (back to the grand old year of 1999). I am an Australian, so my play times are a bit of skilter, but on weekends and what not would line up.
I have some ideas for my RP character(s), but am not familiar with rules and conventions, so am open to guidance!